Lending helping hands

Medical students and faculty serve on the school’s first medical service trip More than 80 students, faculty and staff of the Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM) took a break from their summer vacations and teamed up for LUCOM’s first trip to Zacapa, Guatemala, from July 18-25. There they focused on providing quality medical help, building long-term relationships and […]

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Legacy lived out

Chaplain pens spiritual manuals to guide players and coaches Student-athletes are just that, students and athletes. At Liberty University, coaches and staff members work to develop their student-athletes to grow spiritually while becoming the best students and athletes they can be. Dr. Ed Gomes, the director of spiritual development for the Flames football team, works to help his players grow […]

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Blasting ground

Ceremony marks the start of Freedom Tower construction Three. Two. One. Blastoff. President Jerry Falwell and other dignitaries pushed the lever that blasted ground for the much-anticipated Freedom Tower that will hold Liberty’s School of Divinity on Tuesday, Sept. 1. The ceremony began as faculty and students from the School of Divinity, as well as other spectators, crowded the parking […]

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Autumn adventures

Students explore outside and learn to follow safety signs Fall leaves. Fresh air. Fun times. Autumn is quickly approaching, and for many Liberty University students, this is prime time for outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. But before students plan weekend excursions hiking through the woods, they should make sure they prepare for whatever comes their way. When planning […]

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Community impacted

Liberty’s substantial enrollment growth causes need for energy adjustments Appalachian Power began work on a $28 million transmission improvement project this summer in order to accommodate the growing needs of Liberty University and the Lynchburg area. Liberty’s enrollment has increased by more than 800 percent over the past 20 years and is expected to continue growing as the university predicts […]

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Roanoke shooting

WDBJ7 employees killed in tragedy Two WDBJ7 employees were murdered during a live broadcast in Roanoke, Va., Wednesday Aug. 26. Reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, were the two deceased. According to NBCnews.com, the two were conducting an interview with Chamber of Commerce executive Vicki Gardner Wednesday morning. It was during that interview when a gunman identified […]

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Living healthy this semester

Students sign up for semester-long challenge to encourage positive habits During the last week of August, the Live Healthy Liberty initiative kicked off a wellness challenge that aims at improving students’ spiritual, mental and physical health. According to the Live Healthy Liberty website, “96% of employees and 91% of students are interested in wellness promotion activities at Liberty. Live Healthy […]

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Liberty Way revised

Changes in wording have been made to the university’s Student Honor Code As students returned to campus to begin the 2015-2016 school year, discussion immediately began about the alterations to the Liberty Way, Liberty University’s Student Honor Code. Dr. Mark Hine, senior vice president for Student Affairs, and Robert Mullen, dean of students, said there was one main reason for […]

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Celebrating family

Family Weekend and essay contest give students a chance to thank parents Parents often sacrifice so their children can attend college, and for the seventh year in a row, students have the opportunity to publicly thank their parents by submitting an essay detailing these sacrifices in the “Outstanding Parent of the Year” contest. “It is an opportunity for parents to […]

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Building the future

New construction projects include science hall, music center and Commons II Liberty continued its $500 million campus improvement plan this summer as new facilities and a housing location made progress to accommodate the school’s growth. The Science Hall was completed this summer, welcoming new students for fall 2015. The Center for Music and the Worship Arts and the newest residential […]

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New year, new routes

Safety concerns cause campus transit to devise alternate traffic patterns Liberty students were welcomed back to campus with an array of new traffic patterns and bus routes, designed to improve safety and transportation around campus. Chief among the new changes was the construction of the new roundabout at the corner of University Boulevard and Liberty University Drive. The roundabout enables […]

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CGE transforms campus

Center for Global Engagement prepares for upcoming Global Focus Week Seeking to “foster a global perspective within the Liberty community,” the Center for Global Engagement (CGE) will host Global Focus Week Sept. 7 -11, according to the CGE website. Featuring an international chocolate tasting, a world music festival and more, the CGE seeks to help Liberty students of all backgrounds […]

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Cultural Immersion

Influenced by the fall 2014 Global Focus Week, sophomore nursing student Leah Wright served on a global trip to Cameroon through CGE. Wright said Global Focus Week inspired her to use her talents on a global scale. The diversity presented at the 2014 Global Expo encouraged her interest in working in a different culture. “You’re living with the (Cameroonian) people […]

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Convo changes take effect

The Office of Spiritual Progams aims to make gatherings more meaningful Liberty’s Office of Spiritual Programs decided to make changes to the three-times-a-week gathering that attracts some of the most recognized leaders around the world, hoping to provide an even greater learning experience for the thousands of students that attend Convocation. According to Daniel Bolton, director of Spiritual Programs, because […]

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Graduation celebration

Former Gov. Jeb Bush encourages graduates to live out their “Christian conscience in action” President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s voice rang out through the loudspeakers Saturday morning, May 9, as he announced the approximate number of degrees to be awarded at Liberty University’s 42nd Commencement Ceremony: 17,500. This amount of graduates brought in hundreds of thousands of family and friends into […]

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