OPINION: Convocation Should have Pastors and Political Speakers

In recent years, the ever-popular “Convocation guest” seat has been filled by many great individuals. Brilliant professors, influential business leaders, well-known politicians and eloquent pastors have given powerful speeches during Liberty University’s semiweekly gathering. One of the goals behind the diversity of worldviews and careers in every Convocation guest is to practice critical thinking and Christ-like hospitality at Liberty.  The […]

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OPINION: Felons Should be Able to Vote

Sen. Rand Paul, regarding the right for previously convicted felons to vote,  once said, “It’s the biggest voting rights issue of our day.” In the United States, 5.2 million Americans were not able to vote in the 2020 election due to felony disenfranchisement. There are approximately 12 million Americans with a felony conviction on their record. Felons lose their right […]

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On-campus Services Provide Counseling and Accommodations for Students

Fatigue. Difficulty concentrating. Insomnia. Sadness. Shifts in diet. Changes in eating habits. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt. These are all signs of depression. About 44% of college students report experiencing a symptom of depression or anxiety, according to the Mayo Clinic Health System. Resident Counselor for Student Counseling Services Sam Landa said depression and anxiety are prominent in college students […]

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David Shedd and Dr. Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen Share Career Experiences with Students

Liberty University’s Helms School of Government hosted multiple speakers during the month of September that shared their personal experiences with students and gave advice on how to pursue their future careers.  David Shedd, former acting director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and Dr. Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen (Dr. Moodrick), senior lecturer of public international law at Ariel University in Israel, […]

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Undergraduate Review Publishes Student Work on Legal Decisions

Liberty University’s Helms School of Government released its first Undergraduate Law Review over the summer of 2021.  As Ben Rathsam, an associate government professor at Liberty, explained, law reviews are articles that analyze legal doctrine, court case or statutes passed by legislatures. Students can give their thoughts and conclusions about legal decisions that were made.  He also emphasized how important […]

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On-Campus Students Given Opportunity to register to vote

With the Virginia governor elections fast approaching, Liberty students have the chance to let their voices be heard. Students at Liberty from out-of-state can simply update their voter registration to Virginia temporarily while they are a full-time student. This provides the student an opportunity to change their registration again when they graduate and move out of state. Students will be […]

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Student Activities Prepares for a Homecoming Weekend Filled with Events for Family and Alumni

Each year, Homecoming weekend brings thousands of students and alumni together for events and festivities that celebrate and reflect memories made at Liberty.  This year’s Oct. 8-9 celebration will be even more special in honor of Liberty’s 50th birthday.  According to Walker Sandler, an event supervisor for Student Activities, what makes the celebration more noteworthy goes beyond the 50th anniversary […]

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