Styling at school

Setting up her cosmetology supplies in an empty corner of her room, Liberty University freshman Ashley Archulet put away her schoolbooks and opened her dorm for business as a hair salon. Before transferring to Liberty in the spring, Archulet was given the chance to compete nationally at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference June 20, 2011, putting her cosmetology […]

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Junior and Senior Gala raises funds

Student Government Association kicks off Pro-Life Emphasis Week with “A Black and White Affair” The Liberty University Jazz Ensemble set the mood as students arrived in their classiest suits and dresses for “A Black and White Affair” on the third floor of the Williams Stadium, April 6. The Liberty Student Government Association (SGA) hosted the event, also known as the […]

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Fencing grows in popularity among students

Members of the Liberty University fencing classes quickly put on their gear and headed to the indoor track at Green Hall where one of the university’s newest clubs meets. According to Vice President Brandon Minter the club has quickly gained popularity among Liberty students. “There were 25 new people at the last practice,” Vice President Brandon Minter said. “Five were […]

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Up late at Coffeehouse

Usually a time for Liberty’s campus to wind down, 11 o’clock brought about a second wind as eager students lingered with anticipation outside the Vines Center to attend the Student Activities’ Late Night Coffeehouse.
As students took their seats, the packed Vines Center rang with the […]

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NAB hits Vegas

What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but a select few broadcasting students from Liberty University are hoping to gain valuable job experience from their experience out West April 6-11.
Junior Matt Atkins and senior Courtney Aube are currently in Las Vegas, participating in Sony’s […]

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Fashion on display

Students at Liberty University will showcase their talents through the Family and Consumer Science’s seventh annual fashion show starting at 8 p.m. April 13 in the New Schilling Center, with doors opening at 7:30 p.m. Liberty students will take on their peers in the “Project Hollywood: A Glamorous Encore” fashion show. According to the Liberty website, “All fashion garments are […]

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Boston Marathon Bombings

Tragedy struck at the Boston Marathon as two explosions left two people confirmed dead and at least 23 more bloody and wounded, Monday, April 15, according the Boston Police Department’s Twitter feed.
The casualty numbers are expected to change throughout the night, according to […]

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Design competition

AIGA hosts second annual student contest Tensions were high as the eyes of 21 students remained glued to computer screens and fingers feverishly clicked away at mouse and keyboard, no one wanting to waste a precious second as they fought the battle known as Design Wars. Hosted by the Liberty student graphic design group affiliated with the American Institute of […]

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Track at top of the heap

Liberty University’s men’s and women’s track and field squads notched two team titles and 16 individual event victories as they competed against in-state foes at the Virginia Cup, March 23. The Flames faced Radford University, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Virginia and James Madison University in its third meet of the outdoor season. The one-day event, which was scored as […]

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Campus Safety Act moves on

Proposal seeking to increase campus safety nationwide goes to Senate The Campus Safety Act championed by Virginia’s Sen. Mark Warner passed the U.S Judiciary Committee Tuesday, March 12, showing strong bipartisan support with a vote of 14-4. Coming on the heels of the Sandy Hook massacre, this act would create an easy solution to increasing the safety of school campuses […]

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Proposed budget

Lynchburg City Manager Kimball Payne announced the City of Lynchburg’s proposed budget for 2014 on March 12. The budget includes funding for many different areas in the city, according to Payne’s proposal. “We’ve had a number of difficult budgets over the last four years, especially January of 2009,” Payne said. “We’ve made a number of adjustments, such as cutting spending […]

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Health master’s offered

New program equips students to impact The aim for Liberty University’s new master’s in public health program is to train students to impact the world through their future careers, according to Richard Lane, the founder and director of the master’s in public health program. Lane said the new degree prepares students for work in preventing disease, not only treating it. […]

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