TV’s ‘Glee’ takes on religion

Many Christian viewers of the popular television show “Glee” may have felt rather uncomfortable during the Oct. 5 episode. The episode was centered around the varying religious beliefs of the show’s characters. Entitled “Grilled Cheesus,” it began with a main character making a grilled cheese sandwich bearing grill-marks with the likeness of Jesus’ face. For the next hour, the show […]

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From the desk

At the halfway point in the semester, reality is starting to hit me. Come May, I will be starting a new chapter of my life. At the age of 21, the whole is ahead of me. Yet, my path in the world is still unwritten and uncertain. It is time for me to share with you the list of things that I would like to do before I die. Sure, everyone creates this cliché list, but why not? We only have one life to live, so it’s time to start planning. First, I want to bungee jump off a really high bridge. It does not necessarily have to be well known, like the Golden Gate Bridge, but it does have to be really, really high. I am incredibly frightened of heights so the higher the better.

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CNN loses anchor Rick Sanchez over harsh words

As unemployment shows no sign of decreasing, it is a bad time to be out of work, especially when one is fired because of a national scandal – just ask recent former CNN anchor Rick Sanchez. While on the Pete Dominic Radio Hour satellite talk show Sept. 30, Sanchez said that comedian Jon Stewart is a bigot, and should not consider himself a minority for being Jewish. He then said Stewart could not relate to Sanchez because he had been raised in wealth, though that is false. “He really nailed what it was like growing up in central Jersey in the early ’70s, the fortunate son of a single mother in the education field,” Stewart deadpanned on the Oct. 4 episode of “The Daily Show,” slamming Sanchez for assuming that Stewart lived a lavish life growing up.

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Patrons find alternatives in RedBox

The video rental store is slowly becoming the dodo of technology. The video-rental chain Blockbuster Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy under a $1 billion debt on Sept. 23, according to CBS News. The move caused the company’s stock to be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange and a large majority of its 3,300 stores are expected to close in the coming year. This announcement came on the heels of Hollywood Video, another of the nation’s major video chains, filing for bankruptcy in early February, eventually liquidating its product in August.

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Negotiating to first place

Liberty University School of Law students Hannah Reichel and Karlee Shelton spent two weeks preparing case negotiations.

A panel of judges rewarded the students’ hard work with a first place finish at the Southwestern Entertainment Law Negotiation Competition on Oct. 3 in Los Angeles, Calif.

“Our whole objective is to keep people out of court,” Reichel, who will graduate in May, said.

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Parade of Memories

People of all ages lined the sidewalks of University Boulevard on Saturday Oct. 9, awaiting an event that has become a yearly tradition for students and Liberty alumni. Liberty University’s homecoming parade proceeded from the entrance of the newly renovated William’s Stadium at 1 p.m. The parade kicked off the weekend’s festivities, raising school spirit and community involvement. “I think […]

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‘Say Something’

Two hundred red flags in DeMoss courtyard are serving as a reminder for students to “Say Something” as part of Domestic and Dating Violence Awareness Week’s Red Flag Campaign. The Student Government Association and the Office of Student Conduct banded together to spread the word on Liberty’s campus and promote the importance of healthy relationships. One of the goals of this co-curricular event is to help students learn to have healthy, respectful relationships with members of the opposite sex, Senior Conduct Officer Andrea Adams said.

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Dare you to move

As the lights went down in the Thomas Road auditorium, the volume rose and fans went wild. The Almost took the stage first, performing songs from their latest album “Monster Monster.” Fans flooded the front of stage, with the occasional bodysurfer wafting over the heads of the crowd. The Almost revved up the crowd with their hits “Say the Sooner,” “No I Don’t” and “Monster Monster.”

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Students ‘Write Their Hearts’ at Writer’s Conference

Liberty University hosted the 7th biennial Writer’s Conference on Sept. 23-24, 2010. About 100 people attended the event. “This is the 7th Writers Conference sponsored jointly by the Integrated Learning Resource Center and the English Department. It has been offered every two years beginning in 1997,” Co-Chair of the Writer’s Conference and Head of ILRC Public Services Rachel Schwedt said.

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Scaremare shares the gospel in a fun way

People from all over Central Virginia will soon be lining up for a haunted house experience unlike any other. Liberty University’s Center for Youth Ministry will put on its annual Scaremare function opening Oct. 14, taking a pagan holiday like Halloween and turning it around to glorify God. According to Scaremare supervisor Mike Aldridge, Scaremare was started as a ministry […]

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Men’s Hockey drops weekend series

The Liberty Flames hockey team fell to a record of 3-3-1 after losing its games against Davenport University on Friday and Saturday. The Panthers of Davenport University were prepared to face the Flames this weekend. “They’re a very good team. They’re a top five team for sure,” Flames leading scorer Brent Boschman said. “They’ve got a great power play and it showed by their multiple power play goals.”

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