Commuter Coffee Kickoff

The Commuter Affairs Office (CAO) helped students start the semester bright and early with their Commuter Coffee Kick Off. CAO staff passed out free coffee and snacks to students coming onto campus for their first classes of the semester. The CAO has held this event every semester since fall 2009 to establish themselves with commuter students.

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Coffeehouse act garners attention

Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your Christmas carols. This past Christmas Coffeehouse, Vision ministries combined a popular YouTube phenomenon and Christmas carols. The resulting video of the performance blew up on YouTube, recently receiving more than one million views and more than 5,000 “likes.” Senior Bethany Carroll said the team never imagined the video would become so popular, […]

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Hila Spear remembered

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13 This captivating verse is engraved on a sterling silver friendship bracelet which held Dr. Hila Spear and her close colleagues together, but now holds a tighter bond with memories after her passing because of a year of illness. According to Spear’s obituary, a commemoration of life was […]

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Trial Dates Rescheduled

Forensics testing causes a delay in court The trials of two Lynchburg teenagers charged with murder have been rescheduled. As reported by the Lynchburg News & Advance, the trials were delayed because of forensic testing that would not be completed in time for the initial January trial dates. Vernon Jackson, 16, and Kenneth Jerome Davis, 17, have been charged as […]

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Intramural sports open for new season

The beginning of a new semester means many things for a college student. Books must be bought, supplies purchased and class scheduled. With all the schoolwork and stress of academics, activities are needed to allow students to have an enjoyable college experience. At Liberty, one of these activities is participating in intramural sports. Dodgeball, soccer, pool, basketball, softball and now […]

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Redefining the art of chivalry

Psychology students study chivalry Originating from the valor of knights in medieval times, chivalry is an art of lost courtesy in a world of newfound offence and independence that came from the feminism movement of the 1960s. At the start of each semester, the Psychology Department of Liberty University prepares hundreds of students to embark on a study of this […]

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The transformation of Liberty Transit

Thousands of Liberty University students were welcomed back to campus with a newly designed bus system formatted specifically to better accommodate their needs. LU Transit put forth extra effort to ensure that students would be taken care of during this campus-wide adjustment. Methods included packets of information distributed to every dorm room on campus, e-mails sent out to the students […]

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Liberal media turns tragedy into opportunity

In recent weeks those who monitor major news outlets have been bombarded by news of the Arizona shooting and of Congresswoman Giffords’ miraculous recovery. The cause of the shooting has many different faces to many different people. Many members of the liberal media attribute the shooting not to alleged shooter Jared Loughner and not to inefficient gun laws. Talking heads […]

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SGA bill produces smoking gun

You could say guns are what brought me to Liberty. As a senior in high school, I interviewed for a prestigious scholarship at a North Carolina school. The interview went well, and I was confident that my pre-rehearsed answers were impressive. That was until the last panel judge asked me my view on gun control. Needless to say, I didn’t […]

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