MLS uprising

How soccer is becoming America’s biggest athletic event This year has been a rough one for professional sports in America. With lockouts tripping up the NFL and NBA, and performance-enhancing drugs plaguing MLB, it’s no surprise that feelings have begun to sour toward these sports. But they face a greater threat than unhappy player unions and unappealing characters. The biggest […]

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Earthquake fact or fiction

Rumors made for poor news The largest earthquake ever recorded in Virginia was felt on Tuesday, Aug. 23. With a magnitude measuring at 5.8 and 5.9 in some areas, this quake truly was significant and was felt all the way from North Carolina to parts of Canada. However, it was the rumors afterward that truly put people in an uproar. […]

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A failed attempt at publicity

‘Shore’ cast to stop wearing Abercrombie Lately, it seems as though half-naked models are not generating enough publicity for popular clothing store Abercrombie & Fitch. Because of this, the advertising department at Abercrombie & Fitch decided to try a celebrity publicity stunt. Unfortunately for the company, the plan backfired. On Aug. 16, Abercrombie & Fitch sent out a news release […]

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Shifting focus to prayer

All Night of Prayer gives students sense of unity On most Friday nights, the DeMoss parking lot is usually empty aside from a handful of skateboarders and ambitious students wondering why the computer lab closes before 2 a.m. on the weekends. However, this past Friday night and Saturday morning, the DeMoss parking lot was home to a more diverse crowd […]

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Book release a hit with students

The Liberty University bookstore was flooded with eager readers Sunday night, Aug. 28, lining up to buy an early copy of the first book written by campus pastor Johnnie Moore. The bookstore sponsored a “Pre-release” party for Moore, promoting the book and giving students the opportunity to purchase it four days before its nationwide release. “I actually left church early […]

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Nose knows: The power of smell

How mixing smelling and studying can help your grade Some people study with flashcards, while others prefer to study by reading their notes aloud. Study groups are popular on college campuses and a lot of people seek the help of tutors. Many students are hands on, and learn by doing an activity or experiencing what the textbook is attempting to […]

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Liberty offers new ways for learning languages

Communication is universal and learning a new language has become more popular as time has progressed. Privet, guten tag and namaste all mean hello and will be one of the many words that one will hear when taking conversational language courses. Outside of Liberty’s academics, the university also offers courses that will help “develop and enrich an individual’s needs.” The […]

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Some too open on Facebook

Society has a way of re-inventing the wheel, so to speak, to further accommodate the needs of the people. Now, culture demands that citizens embark on an age of immediacy — one that allows down-to-the-second updates on all things personal, professional and news worthy to be sent to our phones, which we are equipped with at all times — someone […]

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SGA to hold Hall Senator elections this week

New system designed to better represent students “Leadership is servant-ship,” Student Body President Cody May said. One and a half years ago, a group of Student Government Association (SGA) leaders started reviewing Liberty University’s Constitution to better serve their fellow students. The group thought the Constitution needed revisions and updates to make the SGA run more professionally. Among other changes, […]

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