“Celebrating Marriage” prepares students for life together.

Love was thick in the air on Wednesday, September 21 as Celebrating Marriage, a premarital workshop hosted by the Student Care Office, began among the blooming relationships of Liberty students. Celebrating Marriage was hosted by Pastor Dane Emerick who has been leading couples for the past six years. The premarital sessions are designed to educate couples who are dating, engaged […]

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Red Cross offers lifeguarding course to students.

As students return to campus, local businesses are bombarded with applications from hundreds of students, and the competition to get a job can seem more overwhelming than taking 18 credit hours. However, the job competition for students is looking up, because the American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course will open up employment opportunities in the area of saving lives. Sophomore […]

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Gabe and Gula

Gabe: Pro Forget the overcrowded hallways, the brace-faced freshmen and that your once orderly schedule will be broken into pieces for the majority of four days. CFAW is about much more than potentially annoying upperclassmen. Ironically, 74 percent of those college students now complaining about the packed campus were, in fact, CFAWers themselves. During CFAW, prospective students can visit, get […]

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From the Desk

As I rounded the last corner, everything hurt. Putting one foot in front of the other was more laborious than it has ever been in my life — but I had to run across the finish line. Last weekend, on my “week off,” I ran the Philadelphia Rock and Roll Marathon — all 13.1 glorious miles of it. For all […]

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Robertson shocks viewers

700 Club evangelist makes offensive statement about divorce he Common Book of Prayer, where most wedding vows come from today, says, “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, ‘til death do us part.” Traditional wedding vows seem to be losing […]

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Students head north to help in disaster relief

Volunteers practice what they preach Liberty Students packed into vans and headed to Binghamton, N.Y., on Friday, Sept. 23, to participate in the first disaster relief project with Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia. The 111 Seminary and undergraduate student volunteers spent their weekend working in feeding units and alongside homeowners and New York residents to clean up and fix houses […]

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Proposed downtown parking plan ignites controversy

Local business owners voice objections to Parking Authority’s new proposal A proposed downtown parking plan has left businesses and residents demanding a better solution to the parking problem, according to comments made at the Lynchburg City Council meeting on Sept. 13. The city’s Parking Authority members, including Parking Manager Norman Hale, attended the meeting to bring clarity about the new […]

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One man’s trash is another man’s CSER

Liberty staff member proposes new recycling program to make halls cleaner and greener After James Honeycutt, senior supervisor of the male dorm cleaning crews, noticed the large piles of recycling building up in the residence halls, he decided to take action by proposing that Liberty University students be given the chance to gain Christian Service (CSER) credit by participating in […]

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Abortion regulations approved

New legislation causes controversy The Virginia Board of Health approved emergency temporary abortion clinic regulations on a 12-1 vote Thursday, Sept. 15, in response to legislation passed earlier this year by the General Assembly. These stringent regulations, if approved by all relevant parties involved in the executive branch review process, will be in place by Dec. 31 and stay in […]

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Bachmann to visit Liberty

Michele Bachmann stands alone as the only woman to declare her candidacy as a Republican Party presidential candidate, and she will make her way to Liberty University on Sept. 28. The republican Representative from Minnesota will speak in Wednesday’s convocation, sandwiched between speakers Eric Metaxas and Ed Hindson. Bachmann is one of four women scheduled to speak in convocation this […]

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Hispanic Heritage month kicks off

Students enjoyed chips, salsa and music as they gathered outside of the Vines Center Sept. 16 to celebrate Hispanic culture with the Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off hosted by The Center for Multi-Cultural Enrichment. Hispanic and Latin American cultures are very diverse in their music, food, language and so much more. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 […]

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Missions Emphasis Week brings global message

Students get new look at the world’s needs with special missions focused events Liberty is looking beyond Lynchburg lines with a focus on global missions. Special events and missions-focused convocations were scheduled for Missions Emphasis Week, which kicked off Sunday, Sept. 18 and ended on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Missions Emphasis Week is held each semester, giving students the opportunity to […]

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