PETA sues SeaWorld on ‘slavery’ charges

Resident orcas are not able to utilize their rights to free speech, bearing arms or voting

Throughout years of history classes, teachers have taught students about the liberation of people in America and the gaining of their Constitutional rights. Animal rights activists group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) feels that animals should also overcome oppression and “slavery” and gain their constitutional rights.

Save the whales — Animal rights groups aim erroneous accusations against animal-saving organization. Photo from

This is a ridiculous notion because animals would not know the difference between living with Constitutional rights or not, because there is no constitution for animals in the first place.

PETA activists feel that SeaWorld is holding orcas against their will, therefore infringing on their 13th Amendment right. The five plaintiff orcas, Tilikum, Katina, Kasatka, Corky and Ulises are all residents at Orlando and San Diego SeaWorld locations. They were “captured” by SeaWorld and have been enslaved by the large corporation.

“Slavery is slavery, and it does not depend on the species of the slave any more than it depends on gender, race, or religion,” general counsel to PETA, Jeffrey Kerr, said in the news release “PETA Sues SeaWorld for Violating Orcas’ Constitutional Rights” on

The activists are fighting to free the orcas back into the wild, where they will gain all of their Constitutional rights such as free speech, bearing arms and even the right to vote. Being animals, however, they would not be able to recognize or execute these rights. The most they would be able to understand is the unfortunate truth that they would find themselves in a new home where they’d have to adapt to new surroundings.

Even as PETA files a lawsuit against SeaWorld, the corporation and its employees patiently continue to help the animals that have been saved by their staff.

“SeaWorld employees are currently treating more than 50 rescued wild animals and preparing them to return to their natural habitats… We’re left to wonder how many animals in need could’ve been helped with the thousands of dollars spent on PETA’s latest exercise in theatrics,” SeaWorld’s vice president of communications, Fred Jacobs, said regarding PETA’s expensive protests in the article “SeaWorld Responds To PETA Protest” on Orlando news website,

PETA is just trying to raise a fuss and show how much they have done for the animal community. Realistically, the radical PETA members are notorious for throwing red paint on beautiful fur coats or making people feel guilty for eating delicious food. Now they threaten to shut down a wonderful theme park that helps animals and provides education and entertainment. If PETA were to succeed in this case, what is next? Shutting down national zoos and all other wildlife resorts?

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