Roll’em Solem

Dear Reader,

Imagine the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out before you. As the sun embraces the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the restless waves that press against the shore, the ocean dances to a ceaseless rhythm. The tides ebb and flow; the azure waters glisten and glow. Wave after wave, the salty water retreats against the coastline.

It’s a scene that speaks to the persistence of nature. A reminder that amid life’s ever-changing seasons, there are elements that endure, steadfast and unyielding.

In much the same way, lifestyle trends mirror a continuous nature. Day by day, they ripple through our culture, leaving their mark on everything. Yet like the ocean’s waves, they are never static. Trends are always in motion, maturing and modifying with the passage of time.

As we stand upon the shoreline, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the relentless nature of trends. The pressure to keep up with the latest styles can be daunting. Oftentimes, we abandon our own sense of peace and identity in pursuit of fleeting fashions. But just as the ocean finds its rhythm in the chaos of crashing waves, so too can we find our footing in the flow of trends.

Now, picture a lighthouse. Tall and unwavering, it stands amid the tempestuous seas. Its light severs the darkness, guiding travelers safely to shore.

As the traveler looks to the lighthouse, so too can we look to our faith as a guiding light to help navigate through lifestyle trends. James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

What an encouraging reality! Despite the dynamic nature of lifestyle trends, we can find solace in the unchanging character of God. As the creator and sustainer of all things, including the very inspiration behind trends, God remains steadfast and constant. God is our lighthouse, our constant refuge amid the ever-changing seas of life, including the shifting currents of trends and fashions.

Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

God is the artist, and we are his masterpiece, wonderfully created with love and care. As our maker, he only brings forth beauty and goodness, for that is his very nature. It’s in being the reflection of God’s image that we are capable of the remarkable ability to create. So, what will you do with this gift of creativity? In what ways can you think and act like a creative person in your daily life? On a larger scale, what trends will you establish or build upon? As the image of God, how will you magnificently mirror the creativity of your maker?

In this column, we will explore what it means to be the image of God. We will delve into the concept of identity and discuss what it means to be God’s masterpiece. As we navigate through the vast expanse of trends, popular culture and lifestyle ideas, we will seek to uncover how we can beautifully reflect our creator and glorify him amid the ever-changing currents of culture.

Welcome to Roll ‘em Solem, where we will roll with the trends while staying anchored in the timeless truth of Jesus Christ. Here, we will go beyond raising awareness of lifestyle trends and popular culture; we will empower each other to harness our creativity as a reflection of God’s image. In this column, we’ll dive into the pulse of what’s happening in the world. But more than that, we’ll challenge each other to move beyond consumption and into creation.

As bearers of God’s image, we’re called to bring light to darkness. God calls us to use our creativity to effectively convey the powerful message of the gospel.

My prayer is that as you gain understanding of current trends and cultural shifts, you’ll be inspired to use your creativity as a tool for glorifying Jesus and sharing his message of salvation. I want this column to ignite a passion within you to pursue a life of creativity, knowing that in doing so you’ll not only inspire others, but also set trends that point back toJesus. He is our ultimate trendsetter.

So, whether we’re discussing Taylor Swift’s new album, the latest look in jeans or if you should purchase a Stanley, Roll ‘em Solem is here to guide you through the ever-shifting currents of lifestyle trends and popular culture. This will be accomplished with insight, creativity and an unwavering focus on glorifying Jesus in all that we do.

Do you know Jesus? If you do, consider this: What will you create to draw others closer to him? Let your creativity be a reflection of his love and grace. Let it shine brightly in a world that is desperate for the hope found only in Christ.

If not, allow me to tell you that Jesus loves you so much, he died for your sins. When you dwell in Christ, you are a new creation — the old has passed away, and the new has come. Because of the precious blood of Jesus, you can be forgiven. You can be free.

Reader, in this column, let’s embark on a journey together. As we explore contemporary culture and reflect on the timeless truths of our faith, let’s roll with the trends and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. He is our ultimate trendsetter. I’m excited to have you along for the ride.

Solem is the asst. feature editor for The Champion. Follow him on X

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