Biology graduate student assistant trains to become a teacher in medicine

How does one go from being a successful doctor in Saudi Arabia to a student at Liberty University? Only by following the call of God, no matter the cost. Ekpenyong Usenekong Essien, a graduate student assistant in the School of Biology and Chemistry, seeks to follow God wherever he leads him, whether it be in his home of Nigeria, serving as a doctor in Saudi Arabia, or pursuing further education in the United States of America with the hope of one day becoming a teacher.

Growing up, Essien always wanted to go into medicine, but he became confident it was God’s will for him after attending a gospel crusade. In spite of this, Essien initially applied for and was accepted into a school for electronic engineering. But Essien knew where God wanted him to be. So, he set his sights on a school for medicine. 

God eventually granted this, and he attended the University of Benin in Nigeria, where he obtained his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, and then pursued an internship at the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital. 

“If you are determined to achieve a goal in your life, in as much as you tie it up with God, God will give you that. God will see that it comes to pass,” Essien said. 

Essien then joined a residency program at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital and spent three years in the hematology department there. However, the hospital lacked opportunities for him to use state-of-the-art technology and to learn more. 

Soon, he interviewed with the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia, which had more funding and more opportunities to learn in the best facilities. He was posted in the hematology department at Prince Mohammed bin Nasser Hospital and he worked there for three years. He shared about his time serving with them and how people would seek him out for his care because they saw he was different by the power of God. 

“All of this is not by my person, it is just by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit garnish(ed) my life with things that make me attractive. Makes me … unique. So, because I acknowledged his presence in my life, I know he’s the one that makes the difference,” Essien said. 

Essien eventually gave up his career in Saudi Arabia so he could pursue teaching. He reflected on how God’s call was best, even though it led to a change in career. While some moments may seem like a challenge, it is all for the glory of God in the end. 

“(God) said we are a royal priesthood. A holy nation. Peculiar people. To show forth his praise, God is interested in bragging with our lives … That is his own goal. Some challenges that we experience (and) we encounter is because God wants us to go through it and when we overcome, he’s going to use it,” Essien said. 

However, because of restrictions in Saudi Arabia regarding citizenship and education, Essien decided to travel to the United States and attend Liberty University. Essien’s personal struggle to understand some of his professors in school led him to want to help students. 

“There’s a difference between a lecturer and a teacher … To be a teacher, you must have that inherent quality. We all can be lecturers, but not all of us can be teachers,” Essien said.

Essien encourages all students to reconcile their dreams and desires with God’s will and to trust that he’s still in full control in each and every one of their lives. 

“Keep doing what you (are) doing in as much as is to the glory of God. God is going to garnish your life with his glory,” Essien said. “God is still in the business of changing lives. … He has not finished. He has not stopped. (He’s) still the same God that raises men from dust, and places them among kings. He has done it with the people of old. It cannot be in our time that he will stop.” 

Freund is a feature reporter for the Liberty Champion. Follow him on X

One comment

  • Am so happy for my childhood friend Dr. Dr. Usen Essien, may the good lord continue to use him to do his work. Engr. Eghosa David from Nigeria.

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