FACS student interns at local bridal shop in Paris

Summertime is full of road trips, pool visits and time with family or friends. Some Liberty students took the opportunity to take their summer abroad. Charity Bryan, a senior majoring in fashion design, spent her summer interning at a bridal shop in the city of love; Paris, France. For two months, she worked in a bridal shop and learned various sewing techniques. She used her Liberty education and her background in faith in building relationships with her coworkers and roommates. 

“Because the organization I traveled with was not Christian, I was able to be a missionary of sorts and share the gospel and the love of Christ to those around me,” Bryan said. 

Bryan grew up in a household where French was spoken frequently. 

“I originally started learning French to speak with my dad, but I ended up falling in love with the language and culture,” Bryan said. “The language barrier became a consistent challenge that was equally humbling and scary.”

Bryan found that asking questions was essential to learning. When she asked questions, Bryan discovered that immersing herself in French culture enhanced her language understanding. 

“There were only a few people who spoke both English and French,” Bryan said in reference to the people she worked with at the bridal shop. “If I struggled to understand something, I would ask questions and learn that way.”

In addition to her internship, she was able to explore the surrounding sights, such as the numerous cathedrals, including Notre Dame. She got to enjoy new and exciting experiences, such as eating authentic French pastries, including Bryan’s favorite: macarons.

“I definitely would recommend traveling to Europe,” Bryan said. “If you have the chance, take it. It is great opportunity to grow and learn about your choice of career and who you are as a person.”

Upon returning to Liberty, Bryan plans on pursuing a career in costuming. She is currently working with Liberty’s theatre program and looks forward to working with costume design and seeing where God takes her in the future. 

Merritt is a feature reporter for the Liberty Champion.

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