Meet the candidates: Bert Dodson

Bert Dodson, the democratic candidate for the newly created 22nd Virginia state senate district, is running against his republican counterpart, Tom Garrett Jr. The state senate election will be held Nov. 8.


Dodson ran unopposed in the Aug. 23 primary.

The issues that have been given the most attention this election are that of job creation and security. If elected, Dodson will use his business experience to address the economic crisis, he said.

“When you balance a budget, when you make payroll, when you pay your taxes…when you run a business, and state government is a large business, then what happens is you know to make things happen,” Dodson said.

Dodson is President and CEO of family-owned Dodson Pest Control.

“Being in a family owned business for 35 years and serving our city council of Lynchburg for 12 years, and six (of those) years as vice mayor, I have a lot of insight in relation to job creation,” Dodson said. “Our company currently employs hundreds of Virginians, and I believe that employment always comes from the private sector.”

If elected, Dodson will commit to holding the line on taxes and creating incentives to attract new industry to the area, Dodson’s campaign website said.

As Liberty University students look toward graduation and the job market that awaits them, Dodson has some advice.

“Continue in your education as much as you can,” Dodson said.

As a business man, Dodson looks at resumes and is discouraged when he sees someone who has had several jobs in a short amount of time.

“When you see a work history of like four jobs in seven years, for example, you just figure the person is looking for another job for a short tenure and then they’ll be gone somewhere else,” Dodson said. “I guess the biggest advice I have is if you get a decent job with decent benefits, stick with it. I’m not saying stick with it until you retire but put your effort into it and good things will happen.”

Another issue that Dodson is passionate about is education.

“Bert strongly believes the best investment we can give our children and grandchildren is a quality education,” Dodson’s campaign website said.

The state has reduced its contributions to public education due to the recession, Dodson said. As the economy improves, as Dodson is convinced it will, tax revenue will increase and Dodson wants to put the revenue into public education.

“We need to invest in our public universities and colleges in the state and same with high school and elementary schools and middle schools,” Dodson said.

While serving on the Lynchburg City Council, Dodson worked with an economic development group called Virginia’s Region 2000. He sat on the board of directors alongside Liberty’s Chancellor and President Jerry Falwell Jr. Dodson has witnessed numerous Liberty graduates staying in the area because of the good job opportunities.

“(I want to) help keep fostering a good environment for our area of the state and other areas of the state and that students from your university would either stay in this area or stay in Virginia rather than going back to their home state to find a job,” Dodson said.

City of Lynchburg Mayor Joan Foster endorsed Dodson on July 8.

“I am grateful to Mayor Foster for her support and for her public service to our community,” Dodson said on his campaign website.

Dodson lives in Lynchburg with his family. Dodson and his wife Theresa have four daughters, Elizabeth, Rachel, Rebecca and Kara, and six grandchildren.

Dodson attended Virginia Tech and the University of Richmond, School of Business and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1976, Dodson’s campaign website said.

“To the students of Liberty, keep growing, good luck to your football team this fall…have a great fall semester,” Dodson said.

Reporter’s note: I conducted both interviews by phone and received about the same amount of information from both men. I think what made the Garrett story longer was that I was able to get a second source for him (Dr. Staver) but not for Dodson. Also, Garrett had a lot more information on his website than Dodson did and I utilized that information.

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