Liberty students lead 2023 March for Life

The work is not done.

For those who attended this year’s March for Life on Friday, Jan. 20, that was the message of the day as speakers and attendees continued to speak out against abortion.

“But (to) those of you who think our work is done — it’s not. We have to make abortion as abhorrent as slavery,” We Are Messengers lead vocalist Darren Mulligan said. 

Mulligan spoke in between songs at the march, the 49th annual one held since 1974. However, this is the first march to be held since the landmark Supreme Court case that overturned Roe v. Wade last year, changing abortion laws to be up to the states rather than holding constitutional protection. 

Liberty University has made it a mission to show its support for the pro-life movement; that mission was made clear when looking at the vast sea of red Liberty beanies worn by all the students attending the march. For the first time ever, Liberty also had the privilege of leading the march this year, and students proudly carried the march’s official banner down the streets of Washington, D.C.

Students of all backgrounds came to show their support, undeterred by the early wake-up call to travel to the district, leaving at 5:30 in the morning and not returning until 8 that night. 

One such student was Brandon Potra. Potra, a prelaw student at Liberty, said that along with being here in protest, he also came to cheer on the changes brought about by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. 

“I am the pro-life generation, and this is a topic that really gets me excited and passionate. I do believe that life is a God-given right, and it’s inalienable, and you can’t take that away,” Potra said.

While waiting for the march to start, the crowd gathered together next to the Washington Monument, listening to the pre-march rally. Along with We are Messengers, several noteworthy speakers, including Jonathan Roumie, who plays the role of Jesus in the TV series “The Chosen,” Connecticut Rep. Trenee McGee and former Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy, also showed.

Liberty students kept a calm presence and even had some spontaneous worship. Nathanael Krug, a math major at Liberty, brought along his guitar and played worship songs in front of the crowd. 

“I’ve never been able to come to the March for Life, and I really wanted to be able to support this cause because this is something I’m passionate about,” Krug said. “I love worship. I love playing guitar and leading worship … I really wanted to play worship in Washington, D.C.”

At one point, a smaller group of anti-protestors came among the crowd, creating a ruckus. The people from the march just shouted louder, holding up signs and drowning out the anti-protestors with the chant, “We are the pro-life generation!”

This chant evolved to a new one as the march went on to eventually pass the Supreme Court building, with some of the crowd coming up with the chant, “One, two, three, four, Roe v. Wade is out the door! Five, six, seven, eight, now it’s time to legislate!” This chant was echoed by the many Liberty students in the crowd. 

In talking to students after the march, their attitudes remained one of activism. The students who attended the march saw it as important — a duty for Liberty students to be here and show their support. 

“There’s power in numbers, and when people see that, it makes a big statement,” Potra said. “I think people coming and marching is probably one of the biggest statements you can make.”

Wineman is the B-section copy editor for the Liberty Champion. Follow her on Twitter

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