Opinion: Every government should put its own citizens first

 Though French President Emmanuel Macron condemned President Donald Trump for embracing nationalism at a World War I ceremony in Paris, nationalism can bring several benefits to society. Nationalists try to build strong countries that put their people and priorities first. 

Nationalism is not racism. While the term is often incorrectly associated with white supremacists, the term does not actually refer to racist groups, according to an article by CNN. Nationalism is about patriotism and a sense of pride for one’s country, not looking down on people with certain ethnic backgrounds. 

An article by Fox News said people who immigrate to the U.S. become accepted as Americans within a generation of living here, something that cannot be said about European countries.

According to an article by CNN, nationalism unites people who share a common country, belief, or interest. Nationalism gives citizens the freedom to celebrate what makes their society unique from others. Different countries have different cultures and forms of art and expression that are valued more highly than in other countries. 

While Macron called nationalism the opposite of patriotism, an article by Fox News argued that leaders have a moral obligation to care for the needs of their people. If a leader is preoccupied with fulfilling the demands of a global elite government, how are they supposed to focus on the needs of their own citizens? 

Historically, many nationalists have accomplished good for society. An article in CNN said Gandhi, Winston Churchill and other leaders of positive change throughout history have been nationalists. These people saw problems in their countries and focused on bringing positive change to their countries.

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SUBTLE MESSAGES — French President Emmanuel Macron was critical of Donald Trump’s nationalistic agenda during a speech Nov. 11 at a World War I commemoration.

Trump’s “America first” agenda has helped both the U.S. and her allies in a few ways. Since the U.S. imposed sanctions, North Korea has not tested any more nuclear missiles, according to an article by USA Today. Trump has renegotiated trade deals with other countries that are more equitable to the U.S.

While many consider nationalists completely unconcerned with other countries, nationalists are not isolationists. Instead, nationalists try to solve their own issues before trying to solve others’ problems.

“I want to take care of the globe, but first I have to take care of our country,” Trump said in an interview with Laura Ingraham.

Another benefit of nationalism is local leadership. In a nationalist society, leaders live close to their citizens. However, in a globalist society, leaders could be halfway around the world. 

As an article by CNN points out, people connect more to leaders who are citizens of the same nation. People want leaders who share common experiences and understand their culture, needs and desires. A leader who is removed from their people will not be able to connect with those they are attempting to lead. 

Nationalist governments also can serve their people better because they know who they are serving and who they are answerable too. As an article by Fox News points out, global elite governments do not have a clear authority above them to report to. However, in the U.S., the government is responsible for serving the citizens of this country and is answerable to those citizens. 

Government officials in America understand they can lose their authority if the citizens decide they are no longer fit. Elected officials, in order to keep their power, must make decisions that appeal to their citizen electorate, not the citizens of other nations.

America was founded on the principle of nationalism. That principle sets us apart from most other world leaders, such as Macron’s France and the rest of his European allies. But American nationalism is not contrary to patriotism, it is the ideology that has allowed America to thrive and prosper in an increasingly global political climate.

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