Opinion: Senate election, Corey Stewart

With the upcoming Senate election approaching, three Liberty University students explained the policy positions of the candidates.

Corey Stewart – Republican Candidate Stewart has never held a state or national office, but has served on the county level. (Google images)

As President Donald Trump approaches two years in office, the upcoming midterms will highlight the public’s view of his agenda. Midterms often serve as the public’s report card of the president during the first half of his term.

Trump has certainly been an active president since his administration took office. On the home front, Trump has generated economic growth and nominated two conservative justices who have been confirmed to the Supreme Court, as reported by Forbes.

On matters of foreign policy, Trump has fought for trade deals that benefit America, and he has strengthened alliances with our allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. He has effectively neutralized the threats of both the Islamic State and North Korea, according to the Washington Post.

Corey Stewart, the Republican nominee for Senate in Virginia, will work to help Trump fulfill his policy initiatives as the government continues to implement a conservative agenda.

“I am running for U.S. Senate to … support President Trump’s America First Agenda,” Stewart wrote on his campaign website. “Citizens across this country need a Senator who will fight for them and stand up to the Washington elites.”

Stewart is a graduate of William Mitchell College of Law and has worked as an attorney in international trade. He currently serves as the Chair of the board of supervisors for Prince William County, where he has lowered taxes, created job growth and cracked down on illegal immigration, according to his website.

Using his experience as an attorney, Stewart pledges to renegotiate unfair trade agreements and bring manufacturing jobs back to America. As he has done as county supervisor, Stewart will continue to fight for tax cuts
for Americans.

With a hardline stance on illegal immigration, Stewart has promised to ban sanctuary cities and allow law enforcement to arrest every illegal immigrant. He opposes all amnesty pleas and will find money in the budget to fund the border wall President Donald Trump promised.

“Corey is 100 percent pro-life, believing that every life is precious,” his campaign website says. His goal is the total defunding of Planned Parenthood.

The Second Amendment is a sacred right to Americans, and Stewart will ensure that right is protected. He will work to remove all unconstitutional restrictions and supports the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. That piece of legislation will allow someone with a concealed carry permit in one state to be able to carry in any state in America, according to CBS News.

Stewart has expressed his dedication to helping American military veterans throughout his campaign. Virginia has more resident veterans than most states, with over 800,000, according to Stewart’s website. Stewart wants the Veterans Administration to help Virginia be as welcoming and accommodating for veterans as possible.

Not only will he fight for veterans, but Stewart also promises to support law enforcement officials. As the board of supervisor’s chairman, Stewart has seen Prince William County’s violent crimes drop by 48.7 percent, according to his website.

“Our law enforcement officers should have the resources they need and the respect and pay they deserve,” he wrote.

With both his beliefs and policy goals aligned with President Trump, Stewart is the perfect candidate to further the president’s initiatives and continue the growth this nation has experienced for two years. This is shown in the endorsement Stewart received from Liberty University’s President Jerry Falwell.

“President Trump needs a fighter like Corey in the U.S. Senate to help clean up the swamp in Washington,” Falwell said according to WLNI radio. “It is vital that we turn the tide so that President Trump’s agenda can succeed.”

For anyone who has appreciated what Trump has done for America, a vote for Corey Stewart will ensure that the America First agenda continues to be reflected in legislation and policy.

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