Opinion: Two Champion writers explain the policy platforms of both candidates (Part 1)

Denver Riggleman

At Liberty University, we are big on freedom. It is called Liberty University, after all.

Denver Riggleman, the Republican candidate for the 5th U.S. Congressional District, stands for freedom. As both a U.S. Air Force veteran and a small business owner, he stands for freedom around the world and local freedom from regulations. 

Riggleman’s support for Israel, his belief in the free market and his desire for healthcare reform make him an ideal candidate for Liberty students. 

According to Riggleman’s campaign website, he was deployed to Tel Aviv in 1996 “for a Presidential support mission.” While there, Riggleman learned to appreciate Israel as America’s ally in the Middle East and as a partner to combat terrorist-supporting
nations such as Iran. As a congressman, Riggleman plans to continue building America’s strong ties with Israel.

Partnering with Israel will help encourage freedom in the Middle East.

In addition, Liberty students have a longstanding tradition of supporting Israel, albeit often for more sacred reasons than Riggleman’s. Nonetheless, Liberty students ought to support Riggleman’s desire for close ties to Israel. 

As a business owner, Riggleman has seen the results the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” has done in the 5th District. According to his campaign website, Riggleman promises to “fight” to keep tax cuts for families, so they can keep more of the money they earn, and for businesses, so they can expand. 

This dedication to free market economics with taxes will benefit Liberty students. For those who live in the 5th District, they and their families would have lower taxes, leaving more money to pay for things like college tuition.

Additionally, lower taxes on local businesses mean some of Liberty students’ favorite establishments can continue to grow. Moreover, students looking to open their own local businesses after graduation would not face the financial burden of high taxes. 

Finally, Riggleman “believes we must eliminate the cap on medical residencies and prioritize the allocation of funds to ‘doctor deserts’ — those areas that need them the most.”

According to StudentDoctor.net, there is currently a cap on how many medical students can complete their necessary residencies due to limited government funding. The problem is, there is a looming lack of physicians.

According to his campaign website, Riggleman noted there is a shortage of physicians in the 5th District.

This dilemma can be fixed by allowing others to finance residencies in areas where fewer physicians are needed.

Liberty students are not exempt from the current cap, which means Liberty medical students also deal with limited residencies. If Riggleman gets his way, he will have the cap removed, meaning that they will have the freedom to pursue a residency.

Denver Riggleman will fight for freedom in Congress, both for those abroad and for those in the 5th Congressional District. He is the right choice for Liberty students who love what their school’s name stands for.

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