Column: Life with Logan

Kanye West appeared thrillingly flamboyant during his meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office Thursday, Oct. 11, so there’s no denying the popular hip-hop artist and shoe entrepreneur is officially, conservatively “woke.”

During the meeting, amidst dozens of reporters and photographers, West didn’t waver from his true self. His mind, evidently dashing at 100 mph (similar to his music), bounced from Trump’s successful policies, to Airforce One, and even to alternate universes, all the while donning a red “Make America Great Again” hat. Though obscure, West’s 10-minute rant evoked sparks of wisdom. 

I don’t blame Kanye’s excitement.

Since the 1948 election, African-Americans have voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party. In July of that year, President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, signed Executive Order 9981, which desegregated the Armed Forces. And, it was the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson (and Congress) in the 1960s that produced the Civil Rights Acts. 

So it is not without reason that African-Americans have viewed the Democratic Party as their natural home. However, a question remains: Does the Democratic Party still deserve unflinching support, to the tune of 90-10 voting margins? I would argue, no. People should never blindly yield to politicians. 

According to The Independent, during Barack Obama’s speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in 2016 — two months prior to Trump’s victory — the former POTUS said it would be a personal insult to his legacy if the black community voted for Trump. President Obama, like many liberal politicians, used race to encourage voting.

When black conservative political commentator Candace Owens visited Liberty University’s Convocation Sept. 26, she voiced her concerns, explaining how liberals frequently promote the “victim mentality.”  

So as expected, waves of criticism hailed from the narrow-minded, liberal entertainment industry after West voiced his support for Trump, yet the hip-hop star
remained unmoved. 

Kanye’s fearless political stance and electrifying composure in the Oval Office demonstrates his willingness to fight against the political norm, and that’s very refreshing.

During the Oval Office meeting, the words that resonated the most didn’t come from the leader of the free world. They came from the Chicago native sitting across from Trump.

“People expect that if you’re black, you have to be a Democrat,” West said. “The liberals try to control a black person through the concept of racism, because they know we are a very proud and emotional people.”

These words expose the true nature of progressive branding and identity politics. Democrats have simplified many national problems to racist, sexist, xenophobic or a subcategory of the three. This oversimplification negates all possibility for
critical thinking.  

It’s  clear the term “liberal” no longer echoes its true meaning. For the Democratic Party, symbolism and identity politics have taken precedence over substance and

The biggest take away from the Oval
Office meeting mirrors my original point: Neither party should exploit gender, ethnicity, religion or skin color to obtain votes. Each person should think critically for himself.

That is why I’m thrilled Kanye West is breaking the political mold and voicing support for our president.

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