Candidates on the attack

Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz embrace new strategy to stop Donald Trump

As everyone knows, 2016 is an election year. Along with that fact comes the knowledge that we, the American public, are about to endure a barrage of political advertisements berating the various candidates on both sides of the aisle. It is a well-known truth that campaign season means open season in the realm of politics.

Debate — Candidates turned up the heat on Donald Trump. Google Images

Debate — Candidates turned up the heat on Donald Trump. Google Images

Up until last week however, the most incendiary and boorish candidate that has ever run for presidential office had not faced any form of strong opposition. Donald Trump was somehow able to dominate the GOP polls for months before anyone imposed themselves on his campaign. As a result, Trump has been able to coast to landslide victories across the country.

One of the greatest buffers to Trump’s downfall was the vast field of GOP candidates. The multitude of establishment campaigns caused many of the candidates, specifically Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, to attempt clearing out the field before going to war with Trump. In theory, the strategy was solid. However, the plan took far too long to succeed and resulted in Trump garnering more and more support for his campaign.

Leading up to Super Tuesday, Rubio and Cruz finally turned up the heat on Trump and began attacking him vigorously. In the debate, they relentlessly challenged and criticized Trump on a myriad of important issues. The news outlets were flooded with sound bites of Rubio assailing Trump’s character and competency.

The attacks were strong. They were intelligent. They were witty. They were direct. Rubio and Cruz were able to confront Trump’s positions in a way that not only dismantled Trump’s positions but also reinforced and bolstered their own campaigns. It was exactly what their campaigns needed. Alas, it was too little too late.

When the dust settled after Super Tuesday, Trump was left standing victorious, winning seven states. The next closest candidates were Cruz and Rubio, winning three states and one state, respectively.

The success of the strategy of attacking Trump in the end may very well prove successful, but that depends on a few things happening. The GOP field needs to continue to slim down, and the party needs to unite together in opposition to Trump.

There is a lot of time left in the election process. Trump has by no means won the Republican nomination. However, the field needs to be cleared in order for a successful challenge to happen. Dr. Ben Carson has already suspended his campaign, and Gov. John Kasich should consider making the same decision. If Trump is going to lose, Kasich needs to leave.

After that, Rubio and Cruz would need to settle their own feud and unite against Trump. Otherwise, Trump would continue to play them like marionettes. Unity is what is needed to defeat Trump.

Trump has most, if not all, of the momentum, but there is a plethora of delegates still up for grabs. If the rest of the GOP field can get their act together, there is a strong possibility that Rubio or Cruz will win the Republican nomination.

Eagen is an opinion writer.

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