School of Business honors retiring professor

Liberty’s School of Business hosted an awards ceremony during the last alternative convocation of the academic year Wednesday, April 23. Dr. John George, who is preparing to retire, was the guest of honor.

Hundreds of students gathered in a packed room to hear a special message from their professors. Dean Scott Hicks became emotional while introducing George.

School of Business Awards

“This is one of the best men I know,” Hicks said. “We are all deeply honored that he has been with us over the years, and today you all will be privileged to be in his presence.”

Following the introduction, George began with a joke.

“Nobody told me that my family would be here, my children, my grandchildren,” George said. “If I would’ve known they were all going to be here, I would’ve rewritten my speech.”

George then recited 2 Corinthians 5:10, which warns, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

In conjunction with this reference, George shared his own acronym for the word crown.

“C is for commitment to faith, R for reaching a reward, O for opportunities, W for work as the Lord commands us to do and N for no other foundation but the one that Jesus Christ has laid,” George explained.

After a standing ovation from the audience, George returned to his seat as Dr. George Young, one of the associate professors for the School of Business, took over the speaking responsibilities.

“You’re all our precious cargo,” Young said. “But today, we’d like to honor a few particularly outstanding individuals who are surely going to make a global impact in their lifetimes.”

Awards were then presented in the sectors of accounting, business and business management information systems. Finally, a new award in honor of George was announced. The honor consists of a $2,500 scholarship and will be presented annually in years to come.

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