Alumnus receives ticket to Hollywood

Former Liberty student and current Texas asst. worship pastor chases his dream of being on American Idol

SING — Out of the thousands of people that try out, only a few hundred make it to Hollywood. Photo credit: Darren Wittko

SING — Out of the thousands of people that try out, only a few hundred make it to Hollywood. Photo credit: Darren Wittko

Austin, Texas will always hold a place in alumnus of ’09 Jordan Grizzard’s heart after he received his golden ticket to Hollywood when he tried out for American Idol season 13, which aired Jan. 15.

“My wife, Kayla, was the one who encouraged me to audition,” Grizzard said. “Kayla, our daughter Jozlyn and two of my good friends who live in Austin came to the audition.”

He is now on his way to Hollywood but could not comment on any of the particulars due to contract issues with the show.

Grizzard, who is currently the associate worship pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, recounted his time at Liberty University as one to cherish.

“Liberty has been a major influence for me,” Grizzard said. “Not only in challenging me musically, but preparing me spiritually.”

According to Grizzard, Liberty’s spiritual influence helped prepare him for his future.

“The priority of spiritual development of the student body is what sets Liberty apart from so many other universities,” Grizzard said. “I am so grateful for the investment Liberty made in me.”

Grizzard said he was a part of two different music groups while at Liberty.

“I had the privilege of singing with LU Praise my first year at Liberty,” Grizzard said. “Then, my last two years, I was with the Sounds of Liberty.”

Grizzard credited Scott Bullman, the director of Sounds of Liberty, and Dr. Joe Crider, professor of worship and music, as being very influential on him while he attended Liberty.
“They pushed me, encouraged me, loved me and believed in me,” Grizzard said. “I love them dearly.”

He said he hopes that his presence on the show will be one that will expand the kingdom of God.

“My only desire is that Christ will be glorified through my involvement on the show,” Grizzard said. “I pray that I get more opportunities to meet artists and share the gospel with as many people as possible.”

Grizzard shared that he has already been given opportunities to spread God’s word.

“Through this process, the Lord has opened numerous opportunities to share the gospel and build relationships,” Grizzard said. “It has been an amazing couple of months.”

He and his wife both recognize that this is a ministry and that their love for music can be their way to present the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“This opportunity has been incredible so far,” Grizzard said. “Kayla and I both see it as a possible platform to make the name of Christ known. We both have a passion for the arts and the artist community.”

One comment

  • It is wonderful to know this young man will use his God given ability to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Thank you, Zach, for such an informative article and thank you, Liberty University, for being that school that helps prepare young people for this world.

    Zach, keep up the good work!

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