Newt Gingrich speaks to students about America’s founding principles

PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL — Newt Gingrich has set his sites on the 2012 presidential elections.

Former majority Speaker of the House and Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich spoke to Liberty students, staff and faculty Wednesday, Oct 27. Since 1987, Gingrich has visited Liberty’s campus five times.

Gingrinch covered topics such as the government’s proper role in American life, the 2010 Senate and gubernatorial elections and American citizens growing irritation with arrogant politicians.

“Does America want to become a secular, socialist country, or do we want to re-establish American exceptionalism, free enterprise, work ethic and the Constitutional values that made us free and great?” Gingrich said. “I think that will be a key issue in the election on Tuesday, and I think it will be a key issue two years from now.”

Gingrich said that the government should be given power by the people, not the other way around, and that the current system was leading to a socialist government structure that was destroying everything the founding fathers stood for.
According to Gingrich, speaking at Liberty University is a privilege.

“I had a deep, personal affection for Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. and for what he sought to accomplish,” Gingrich said.

“I wanted to find a place where I talk about the most fundamental aspects that we have to decide as Americans, which is whether or not we still believe we are endowed by our creator and whether we are exceptional … I can’t imagine a better place in America than with these 12,000 young people to have that kind of conversation.”

Gingrich is known for his Judeo-Christian stance on the Constitution and limited government power in America.

“America has had a series of extraordinary elections … where the country rose up and said ‘Enough,’” Gingrich said. “I don’t believe that any judge should be approved who doesn’t believe that our rights come from our creator and that isn’t fully aware that our Constitution is a document bonded by historic rights which precede it and limit it.”

Gingrich’s last engagement at Liberty was as the keynote speaker at Commencement 2007, just days after the death of his longtime friend Dr. Falwell.

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