Hurt speaks to College Republicans

Congressman Robert Hurt urged Liberty students to take action with economic crisis, 2012 presidential election

Congressman Robert Hurt came to Liberty University on Thursday, April 3, to speak to the College Republicans about their responsibility to be out in the community and making a difference for the upcoming presidential election.

Responsibility — Hurt told College Republicans it was their responsibility to be active locally. Photo credit: Kate Powley

“Consider your time these six months … be willing to commit to us. And I’m not talking about me or my campaign but about our country,” Hurt said.

Hurt lamented on the current state of the economy and the national debt crisis, urging students to get involved with politics even at the local level. He spoke about problems with the current presidency and things he would like to see changed.

“You may recall that what’s happened within the past two years such as health care … being rammed down our throats without due process,” Hurt said. “How high do gasoline prices have to be before we adopt a domestic policy?”

Furthermore, Hurt spoke about the respect he has for the veterans of World War II and those whom he refers to as the “people who ensured our country’s freedom”. According to Hurt, those people fought for the future of their children and grandchildren.

“At the end of the day the question we should ask is, is this the America we want for our children and grandchildren,” Hurt said. “This next (presidential) election is absolutely critical.”

After his address Hurt answered questions from the audience. One student asked if there is any piece of legislature being passed that the congressman is particularly excited about passing.

“Things are brewing in (Washington, D.C.) as far as legislation and policy is concerned … we don’t have anything that’s totally cooked yet,” Hurt said.

Hurt said that the single thing that has influenced him as a politician would be the problem of the national debt crisis.

“The number one thing that concerns me and that has influenced my campaign is to see our financial house in order… lower gas prices, full employment … But at the end of the day we have got to address our spending and debt crisis.”

According to the Director of Communications for the College Republicans Paul Sapperstein, the College Republicans asked Hurt to come to speak about fiscal responsibility — something Hurt refers to as “putting the house in order”.

“We always like to hear from our congressmen in D.C… we love to hear what’s going on there,” Sapperstein said. “By the general election time we’ll have most of the elected officials here to speak.”

Sapperstein said that the College Republicans are aiming to get involved with upcoming elections.

“City council elections are the important thing this semester. When it comes down to it, we have a chance to make a difference come May 1,” Sapperstein said.

During the months leading up to the presidential election, both the College Republicans and Hurt will be doing all they can to campaign and get people out to vote.

“Look back on this time with pride — that’s what our elections are all about,” Hurt said.

The city and town elections will be May 1, state primaries will be held on June 12 and the general election will be November 6.

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