Removing limitations on handgun laws

Virginia legislation changes to allow citizens to purchase firearms sooner

Virginia’s state senate voted to pass a handgun law that had stood for nearly 20 years, removing the limitations that allowed for only one handgun purchase a month.

Gun — Virginia residents can now purchase more than one handgun a month after a new bill passed.

The former law, which passed in 1993, could be overturned after receiving a 21-19 vote Feb. 6 in favor of lifting the once-a-month rule. The proposed bill will soon be placed on the desk of Gov. Bob McDonnell to be signed into law.

“A gun owner who is reasonable, responsible and trained is able to protect his family and his community,” junior Tyler Daugherty said. “This type of gun owner is restricted unnecessarily when gun laws do not specifically target criminals.”

Delegate Scott Garrett, who represents the Liberty precinct, voted in favor of the bill, seeking to return gun-owners’ rights that he views as a matter of personal choice.

“Fundamentally, citizens should be able to purchase what they wish to consume,” Garrett said. “Some have brought up the illicit gun use on college campuses like Virginia Tech, but I don’t believe that’s the same issue.”

“It seems to be a nod to gun owners that the state understands that licensed gun owners are responsible and deserve the right to purchase handguns without restriction,” Daugherty added. “It also shows that Virginia legislators believe that the current system for background checks will be able to effectively keep criminals from purchasing, and trafficking, handguns to the degree that they did prior to the purchase limit.”

According to the Associated Press, nearly two years ago a similar bill cleared the House but failed to pass through the Virginia Senate. The original bill in 1993 was part of an effort to limit gun trafficking.

“Certainly, it affirms the Founding Father’s words they wrote some 200 years ago,” Garrett said. “They put the language in the Second Amendment to bear and keep arms for a reason.”

Garrett said that he has heard comments of how the new law will allow some to continue in their collection of handguns, giving them more freedom to purchase a handgun as they choose, instead of waiting another 30 days.

Multiple sources have reported that Gov. McDonnell will sign the bill. Garrett believes that it is the governor’s decision to do what he sees as “best for the commonwealth.”

“To me it’s about choices, folks owning their own guns for their own reasons,” Garrett said.

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