How God Proclaims Himself Through Nature

Being a college student at Liberty University, I hear “I want to get closer with God” all the time. We can do this in a number of ways, namely by praying to God, reading his Word and worshipping him. But in my opinion, spending time in his creation and appreciating the design with which he constructed the nature around us is another way to draw closer to God.
Psalm 8:3-4 says, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”
When we spend time outdoors, observing what God has done, it reminds us how desperately small we are in a world of intelligently designed ecosystems, seas we could drown in and a solar system we can barely begin to understand.
Nature puts us in our place as children of God. It draws us in and brings out our curiosity and search for beauty. I can attest that there is little more enticing than moments when you are nearing the summit of a mountain, approaching a lookout spot over the foothills you have just climbed or hearing the sound of a waterfall just ahead.
It seems to me that God set in place a desire for man to observe his creation, not only as an act of worship to him, but as a benefit to us as well.
According to Harvard University, “Exposure to green space has been linked to better sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduced risk of chronic disease.”
Additionally, the American Psychological Association even credited time spent in nature with lowering the risk of psychiatric issues among people of all ages. It also explained that outdoor green spaces contribute to children’s brain development and self-control.
And in times when one cannot be outside, houseplants provide a reasonable alternative to display nature. Healthline indicated that houseplants can reduce stress, sharpen focus and even help people recover from sicknesses at a faster rate.
It is as if God calls us outside to show us what he has made, blessing us with measurable outcomes of improved mental and physical health. And all of these things lead back to his relationship with us. That is, his desire to be close with us and see us prosper according to his will. And the only way to be close with him is to spend time with him.
So, if a better relationship with God means spending time in the wilderness or just alongside his creation, take a hike, buy a houseplant or go to the beach. Your spiritual and physical health will be strengthened when you take steps to enjoy what he has made.
Kilker is the opinion editor for the Liberty Champion.