How To Find Biblical Rest As A College Student

In the hustle and bustle of the semester, it can be difficult to find time to slow down, rest and recharge. Even in busy seasons of life, it is important to discover biblical rest. LU Shepherd Karla Temple provided helpful tips and resources about this topic.

Defining Biblical Rest

Temple said God is the original creator of biblical rest. She referenced Genesis 2 as being a prime example of honoring the Lord during a time of rest.

“We’re not working for rest, but from rest,” Temple said.   

In modern society, people tend to idolize work and place their identities in productivity. However, biblical rest comes from God.

Practical Advice for Finding Biblical Rest 

Rest can take on many different forms, such as hiking, cooking, meditating on Scripture or spending time with friends and family.

“Start with Scripture, do your own study of God’s Word and explore how we’re designed and how he wants us to relate,” Temple said.

The balance between finding rest and community 

According to Temple, one of the best things students can do is seek the Lord while searching for lasting friendships.

“Pray and ask the Lord for good friends. He is a good provider,” Temple said.

Temple believes good friendships provide community and accountability.

Resting also means knowing when to say no to something. It’s tough to balance rest, academics, friendships, jobs and extra activities on a busy campus. However, Temple said that it is vital for students to acknowledge their limits and have a humble heart that’s willing to rest in order to have peace and comfort that can only come from the Lord. 

Ways to be intentional about rest

Temple recommends a few practical steps students can take to be intentional about finding rest. Before anything else, she recommends looking to Scripture and prayer for ways to discover rest in one’s life. She also said to plan ahead and use phone features to set aside time each day for meditating on the Lord.

“You have to decide how this goes and what patterns work for you,” Temple said. “Remember that all our hours belong to the Lord.

Where to start

Temple shared her own experience for from when she had to learn to take biblical rest. She said she struggled to balance a full-time job and her master’s program. Instead of allowing herself to get overwhelmed, she decided to put God first in the busyness. 

“I know it doesn’t add up, but I’m going to trust the Lord,” Temple said. “He multiplied my joy and enabled me to do those things I needed to do.”

Temple believes the best place to start seeking biblical rest is with the Bible.

“Start with Scripture,” Temple said. “Do one small thing, setting aside time on a Sunday and planning how that will look, and leverage time to accommodate that.”

College students must account for their studies, time with friends, jobs and many other responsibilities. Taking time to find rest is vital to a successful college experience. There will be times to binge-watch Netflix or take a nap, but learning to rest in God first is the only way a student can effectively balance all the responsibilities of daily life and grow in their relationship with God.

Loranger is a lifestyle reporter for the Liberty Champion. 

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