Convocation focuses on global contributions

David Malpass and Garry McDowall expounded on international economics and development during the Sept. 25 and Sept. 27 Convocations, providing firsthand experiences in which Liberty University students were encouraged to live on mission.

Following a surprise appearance from Michael W. Smith leading “Agnus Dei,” Malpass, the 13th president of the World Bank from 2019-2023, shared his experiences in economics and how he worked to raise the economic standard of impoverished countries across the globe. In a conversation with Liberty’s Senior Vice President of Business Relations David Brat and President Dondi Costin, Malpass explained that the World Bank “is an organization that makes loans and grants to people in poorer countries to help them develop.”

Photo by Anna Wheat | @annawheatphotography

Malpass said that governments spend their money on building up their capital city when there is great need elsewhere; he and the World Bank advocated for the people. For instance, he shared that through the development of debit cards, the World Bank was able to give money to women in a way that men could not take away from them. In this way, women were able to provide for themselves and their children, allowing for proper education, food and health.

Finally, in conjunction with Malpass’s pursuit to raise the international living standards, Brat shared a chart on national living standards and life expectancy. Since 1800, Brat showed how the living standards have continued to rise throughout the centuries.  David Malpass commented that people need to have economic rights for proper growth.  Malpass agreed with Costin’s sentiment that living in accordance with God is most important for worldwide economic growth.

Malpass explained how intolerance and persecution have had a large effect on international economics, and thus tolerance, unity in trading and economic and religious freedom must increase for the betterment of globalization. Students learned the processes of globalization and were encouraged to change the world for Christ through economics and brotherly love for the nations.

Photo by Anna Wheat | @annawheatphotography

Freshman Cici Shelburne said Malpass’ message encouraged her to “be mindful of how to steward what the Lord has given (her).”

On Friday, McDowall, CEO of SuperGreen Solutions, shared his passion for global ministry and the need to share Christ’s love with others no matter the cost. He began with encouraging the students to declare that “I am a Child of God. … I will spend my life glorifying the Lord.” In his own testimony, he hoped that His life would carry out the calling echoed by Paul in Philippians 1:21: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

He explained his sufferings in following Christ. His family disowned him for his decision to follow Jesus when he was 21. Although he found success in business, he saw that earthly success will never amount to eternal significance. Providentially, God called him to go to Ukraine as a missionary.

While he was a missionary, he was abducted, beaten and hospitalized during the Orange Revolution. Through this hard time, God moved him to Kazakhstan, in which he was able to effectively evangelize to Muslims because of his Indian heritage. Although McDowall suffered deeply for the sake of God’s glory, God’s providential plan was set in motion to use McDowall for business ministry in 13 different Muslim nations, empowering local churches and businesses to do the same.

McDowall expressed his passion for the unreached people groups, which according to McDowall makes up 42.6% of the total worldwide population. In conjunction with Global Focus Week and the many organizations laying their lives down for these people, McDowall hoped to instill in the heart of Liberty students a desire to lay their lives down for Christ.

“(God) doesn’t call the qualified; he qualifies the called,” McDowall said, encouraging the students who believe they are unqualified to carry out God’s plan.

Rebecca Travers, a freshman, expressed feeling encouragement in the reminder that sufferings “to win people for Christ … are completely worth it.”

Fitzgerald is a news reporter for the Liberty Champion.

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