Saving Dmitri: In defense of all human life

Have you ever stared at your computer screen for so long that after looking away, your vision became blurry? When this occurs, the most comfortable thing to do is keep your eyes fixed on the screen and avoid the harsh adjustment that comes from taking a break. After a while, it is more inviting to look upon that which has become normal instead of that which is natural. And so is the way in which our society can captivate us over the will of God.

When believers witness to others, we must recognize that we are not the only ones who are doing so. “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 illustrates the nature of Satan as an actively working enemy. He would seek to replace all that is natural in the sight of God and create new normalities that take their place. And he has shown himself to be quite effective in deceiving the world with his lies.

History has highlighted the deceiver’s will and ability to confuse what is natural with what is not. There is but a glimpse of history in which the world was free of sin and existing in its natural state. Since then, every society has, in one way or another, been at odds with the natural state of being God-designed. One must not even look beyond our own culture to find a place in which Satan’s trickery and deception has created a perverted sense of what is and is not natural.

Currently, there are a plethora of cultural catastrophes which are plaguing the United States, and western nations as a whole. Racism, sexism, homosexuality, pride, substance abuse and adultery are just some of the diseases which are deteriorating our culture’s spiritual infrastructure. But there is a misplaced matter of normalization that has become unignorable in the lives of most Westerners: That is the lenient respect of human life.

Western civilization is founded on the idea that all humans are valuable and equal, blessed by our creator with the rights to life, liberty and property. These ideas, laid out by Enlightenment philosopher John Locke, were key in initiating a rule of law in the U.S. that disallowed any man from treating his life in higher regard from any other. But of course, the complete fulfillment of these ideas in our culture have never been seen. The violation of the right to life has never existed at its fullest or been completely absent in the U.S. either; it has simply shown itself in differing forms through time.

In this day, the disregard for life in the West has reappeared in the form of euthanasia, pornography and abortion. At a glance, these words may sound easy to recognize as worldly things that are to be avoided by Christians. However, the language which refers to these things has shifted as of late, in order to make them more palatable to the average person. Euthanasia is often now referred to as “right to die” or “death with dignity.” Pornography is often referred to as “adult film.” And abortion is widely viewed as “healthcare” or “family planning.”

All the terms in the world will be used by some to make these now-normal things be thought of as natural. But there were no abortions in the Garden of Eden. No words can make right the things that are wrong, and it is a result of the twisting of words and the normalization of evil things that convinces Westerners to even consider any of these things as “morally neutral.”

In response, many have employed a variety of methods to confront these harmful practices. According to the NIH, in an 11-year period, from 1977 to 1988, there were 110 instances of bombings and arson against abortion clinics and other pro-choice organizations. The record of violence against abortion advocates and practitioners has only turned many who are against abortion into hypocrites who claim to vouch for all life, but destroy the lives or property of those they disagree with.

As we who follow Christ observe the present darkness, we cannot respond in this manner. Violence is not the answer, nor is viewing abortion advocates as the enemy. The battle we fight is one against the spirit of darkness, which is the same spirit which would have us respond in violence and abandon the purity and grace that God has called us to show to all people (Ephesians 6:12).

In practice, this means voting for laws that uphold life, preaching truth to those who do not know it and winning the hearts and minds of non-believers by showing them the grace by which we are saved.

Today, euthanasia, pornography and abortion are degrading humanity by demoting life to a place of lesser importance. Who knows what sins will be normalized next — manipulated into some lie which the world will call “true” and “natural.” We must stand attentive to these things, confronting them with firm truth and grace. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18).

Kilker is the opinion editor for the Liberty Champion

One comment

  • Luke, well thought out and written defense of life, as defined by God. Life, all life, given by God is worth defending by God’s people.
    Thank you for doing so by writing this article and by continually developing your gifts for the purpose of being useful to God in fulfilling His will on earth. Well done my friend.

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