Lynchburg nonprofit spreads hope and empowers communities near and far

World Help is a philanthropic and hands-on organization that aims to spread the love of God through humanitarian aid in underprivileged communities around the world. Though the organization is stationed in Forest, Virginia, it globally aids communities in need through shipments of relief aid packages.

Founded in 1991 by former Liberty University Dean of Students and Vice President of student affairs Vernon Brewer, World Help has grown into an organization that reaches the entire globe. Over the years, it has expanded its efforts to empower young pastors, provide disaster relief from Hurricanes Maria, Irma and Harvey, and offer assistance to nations at war like Ukraine. World Help also addresses issues like human trafficking in Thailand and parts of India.

World Help receives medical supplies, Bibles and food through the funding of donors and sponsors. The organization distributes these items with the aid of many dedicated volunteers. Alongside Liberty, World Help partners with other organizations such as non-state actors, independent donors and United Nations agencies. These partners allow World Help to distribute aid in otherwise hard-to-reach areas.

Photo by Hannah Jones | World Help has planted over 74,000 churches worldwide

World Help has planted over 74,000 churches worldwide. This broad reach has brought the gospel to unreached areas and brought over 7 million to Christ. World Help provides church planters with materials, Bibles and training, allowing them to integrate fully into the culture they plant in.

“The Lord’s faithfulness is woven all throughout the history of World Help,” Kelly Duvall, volunteer coordinator of the World Help humanitarian aid department, said. “Recently, we have seen (God) provide in allowing us the opportunity to expand our building by adding a brand-new distribution center. This space now serves to receive, process and send more lifesaving aid than we ever have before.”

Duvall has a heart for missions and relishes in sharing that love with Liberty students.

“I love meeting new students every day whose shoes I was in not too long ago,” Duvall said. “I am thankful that my job allows the space to really know and encourage every volunteer that comes in.”

Duvall encouraged Liberty students to participate in World Help’s mission of providing aid around the world.

“Students have access to tangibly impact the lives in countries around the world just a few miles from campus,” Duvall said. “I wish I had known about World Help when I was a student at Liberty. By serving locally with World Help, you can change the world by bringing help and hope right where you are.”

Photo by Hannah Jones | World Help has spread the gospel to 7 million people

Students can get involved with World Help through CSER, where they may pack, sort and move the clothing and various supplies sent out by the organization. Students interested in serving or earning CSER credits should locate World Help on the CSER page or visit the World Help website.

“World Help has worked alongside Liberty in a variety of ways,” Duvall said. “We are thankful for the opportunity to attend events like Serve Expo and Global Focus Week. We also host speaking engagements with clubs and residence halls. Most recently, Liberty and World Help worked together to host a meal-packing event, where students helped pack over 1,200 meals for displaced families in Eastern Europe.”

To learn more about the mission of World Help and find a way to serve, visit

Richards is a feature reporter for the Liberty Champion

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