Looking Through Time

It has been quite the journey, and now here we are at my final column. This month is all about tears and goodbyes for me. I’m not only leaving this column, but a work family and my college career. This time next year, I really hope I will have a well-paying full-time job where I will be using my history degree.

In all seriousness, I hope that I will get to do more of this, writing on what I’m passionate about. History is more than just memorizing facts; it is about connecting with people. It’s about learning to respect, value and empathize with those you meet within the pages of your textbook. I think that is why I love writing so much. I just love people and I love connecting with them through my work. So, I want to do more of that after I graduate.

I want to honor God through stories. He has given us the ultimate story through the Bible, and all other stories follow his in some way. Just think about the things we search and yearn for when we seek out a book or a film. A story cannot work without a protagonist and antagonist. These characters don’t always have to be obviously good or evil, but they will always represent these two basic groups. Sin has created a constant battle in our lives and the world between good and evil, and it is a constant theme throughout the biblical stories.

Usually, inside a storybook you will find a beginning, middle and end. It is a concept we take for granted, but why are stories built to flow in such a way? God’s word gives us the ultimate beginning, middle and end. It starts out with a perfect world where God’s creation enjoys divine fellowship with him. But soon, the inciting incident changes all of that. Adam and Eve are tempted by the evil one, Satan, in the form of a serpent, and sin enters the world. Sin distorts the once perfect reality, and story after story in the Bible reflects this.

The middle of the story tells of this new reality and points toward how it will be rectified, just not quite yet. The reader is drawn into suspense as figure after figure fails and complicates things, leaving the reader to wonder how this could possibly be resolved. But resolved it will be, which brings us to the climax of this story.

In comes Jesus, the Savior of the world who gives hope in a hopeless situation. Jesus spreads his ministry and love, but after a horrible death on the cross of Roman crucifixion, all seems lost to the disciples. But a story must have a climax, and God sure gives one. Jesus, as the Son of God, rises from the dead and conquers death, giving hope to all who believe that sin can be conquered and a relationship with God can be enjoyed again, just like in the beginning. The ultimate end will take place when Jesus comes back and a full and final completion of the story is given in which all believers will enjoy perfect fellowship with God, just as in the beginning.

So that is why we inherently yearn for stories. It is ingrained in us because that is how God has created us. We are made for stories.

History itself is a story. The Bible contains the beginning of history, but that does not mean history ends after you close the book. We are still living in the story right now. History is a tale of war, peace, heartbreak, victories, defeats, determination and everything else. So many lives have been lived since then, and we are all here now, continuing that wonderful story. That is another reason why we as humans seek story, because we are currently in one, being gently guided by our Creator.

“He is our God, who will guide us lovingly to all eternity.” — Martin Luther.

Pace is a feature writer for the Liberty Champion

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