ODAS brings opportunity

Academic assistance, mental health wellness, spiritual support and more — as students navigated their way through the hallways of the first floor of Montview during Liberty University’s first Student Resource Fair, they experienced all these things firsthand.

Hosted by the Office of Disability Accommodation Support, the Student Resource Fair was an event utilized to highlight Disability Awareness Month. ODAS partnered with offices like the Academic Success Center, Sodexo, LU ONE, Counseling & Psychological Services and more in order to provide attending students with the opportunity to interact with departments across campus.

“The resources highlighted at the fair aren’t just for students with disabilities; they are for everyone, and we wanted to remind students of all the support that is available to them,” Jana Whitney, residential ODAS director, said. “We felt that this was a good point in the semester to highlight these support services because midterms have taken place, students are facing big projects and managing all of this can be overwhelming. We want students to know that there is help available.”

During the fair, students received passports with the descriptions and contact information for each department present. They could then interact with office representatives to make connections and gather further information on services offered. After visiting tables providing interactive activities, students received a sticker to be entered into a raffle for the chance to win an iPad. 

“Students have so much going on; they’re managing classes, relationships and independence, maybe a job, food insecurity, questions of faith or a disability. We want to make sure that they know that they are seen and cared for — not just by Jesus — but by the staff and faculty that make up this community with them,” Whitney said. “We want them to be very aware that there are a lot of places around them where they can get support.”

ODAS’s emphasis on Disability Awareness Month educates the Liberty community on the many impacts that a disability can have on a student’s college experience. Along with sharing information regarding how to support these students, ODAS provides accommodations, both academic and non-academic, for students with documented disabilities.

More specifically, ODAS provides accommodations for students on the autism spectrum and those with ADHD, learning issues, chronic illnesses or mental health diagnoses. These, coupled with support for students with temporary conditions such as concussions, broken limbs or surgeries, are all ways in which ODAS offers help for students. Additionally, it partners with the Christian Association for Psychological Studies to provide referrals for ADHD and mental health assessments to students who haven’t been diagnosed yet but are seeking accommodations or a medical assessment at the Liberty University Student Health Center.

ODAS will round out Disability Awareness Month with a movie night Oct. 26. It is currently in the process of planning and scheduling a handful of end-of-semester activities aimed at encouraging students through their final exams.

To be on the lookout for upcoming ODAS events or find more information on the services it provides, visit its website or its Instagram

Hess is the news editor for the Liberty Champion

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