Is violence in combat sports ethical?

Punching, kicking, tackling, slapping. What would normally be considered a no-go within the realm of Christianity, many Christians nevertheless indulge in the entertainment that involves all these violent actions. Combat sports revolve around fighting — and oftentimes violently fighting —an opponent to win a match. So are there ethical sports that Christians can participate in and be entertained by, or should Christians stay clear of the sports that can cause harm? Many disagree on this matter, as some argue that it is consensual, while others do not think consent makes it ethical.

According to Canadian Fighting Center, combat sports are usually one-on-one and involve competing to win a fight. Such sports include mixed martial arts, boxing, wrestling and more. 

Some combat sports can lead to serious injuries or even death. First Sportz says that athletes who participate in combat sports have a higher chance of fatal injuries than athletes in any other sport. While God does not specifically say in the Bible if it is right or wrong to view or participate in combat sports, knowing that death or serious injury could occur weakens the argument that consent makes it all right. 

God does not, however, expressly condemn it, and he has condoned physical fighting at times in the Bible. Suffolk News-Herald says that fighting takes discipline, and the type of discipline it takes to be dedicated to becoming a great fighter could be applied to becoming a strong Christian. Morally gray areas are common, and combat sports seem to be an area where the Christian conscience could defend itself because their morality remains questionable but not outrightly wrong.

Despite the different opinions on combat sports, I think it boils down to the heart and intentions of the person participating in them. If a fighter goes into a fight wanting to win at all costs, there is a higher chance of hurting the opponent. If a fighter goes into the fight, loves and cares for their opponent and just enjoys the sport, I think that it can be ethical. 

God knows our hearts and our desires for doing the things we do; God can see if a person plays a sport for the right reasons or not. To participate in a sport purely as an outlet for aggression or anger remains unethical, as one could easily leave their heart in an unhealthy place.  

Many sports can be violent at times, so the violence of combat sports does not make it exclusively unethical. There are good reasons to desire to participate in them, as they take a lot of strength, training, drive and discipline. These traits can honor God and strengthen your relationship with him if applied correctly. 

When it comes to watching combat sports, it again depends on our heart. If a person watches it purely out of bloodlust, they are likely not in it for the right reasons. If they watch it to enjoy time with friends and cheer on their favorite players like in any other sport, they might be watching for the right reasons.

When God does not give us specific rules on how to handle a situation, sometimes he leaves it up to us to use our discernment and make a wise judgment about what to do. Combat sports can easily be ethical or unethical; it entirely depends on the heart of the person watching or participating. Let’s make sure our hearts rightly align with God’s, so that even within the entertainment we consume, he may be lifted up.

Carter is an opinion writer for the Liberty Champion

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