Bringing Bodacious Burgers back

Bodacious Burgers, bigger burgers with more toppings and options along with honey truffle parmesan fries as a side, will be the featured dish when Sodexo hosts Tilley Takeover Sept. 12 from 4 to7 p.m.

Students can buy a gourmet burger using a Basic Swipe plus an additional fee of $5.99. Bodacious Burgers has been one of the most popular premium pop-up events, so Liberty Dining wants to start off the semester with a student favorite. 

It’s all part of the Sodexo plan to make sure that the dining experience stays fresh and new for each student.

Students who come to the event during the first two hours can fill out a raffle ticket. The winner of the raffle drawing will receive 50 Dining Dollars. 

“This is a meal that is different from all the other places on campus, so it is a special day,” sophomore Harley Kalin said. “I want to make sure I get there and can get it.”

Fresh Market in the Tilley Student Center at North Campus will be “taken over” by Sodexo for this premium pop-up event. 

“What we’re trying to do with the event is break up the dinnertime monotony that students usually find after being on campus,” Sodexo Marketing Manager Shelby Burton said. “You’re like, ‘Do I really want SubConnection one more time this week?’ or, ‘Oh, hey, maybe I’ll go to this premium pop-up event and get something else.’”

Liberty Dining utilizes email blasts, online graphics, the liberty dining social media accounts and the myLU app to inform students of the event. Burton said students may start to receive text blasts about Tilley Takeovers this semester so that this event does not get lost amid other emails. 

Flyers are also put up around Green Hall as advertisements for the event. 

“We try to keep a pulse on what the students find exciting and bring those new things here,” Burton said. 

The last Tilley Takeover of the spring semester will also feature Bodacious Burgers because of its popularity. 

Liberty Dining is expecting around 250-300 students at the event based on past attendance. Burton said that they usually prepare around 300 portions, and they are always sold out.

“It is exciting to get a variety of quality food for a good price,” sophomore Lila Kelley said.

After Bodacious Burgers, the next Tilley Takeover will be Bibimbap, a Korean dish. 

More information about this event and other dining questions can be found on Sodexo’s website.

Joachim is a news reporter for the Liberty Champion. Follow him on X

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