Mark Hyde seeks to connect students with the administration that serves them

Many students are familiar with the deans of their respective academic disciplines. They know the dean of the School of Business, School of Aeronautics, so on and so forth. But the dean of students may not be as familiar a title. Through uplifting students, building connections and forging relationships, the dean of students role brings a new meaning to the position.

Mark Hyde accepted the position as dean of students in October 2022. Having always felt a calling for student affairs, Hyde first joined Liberty in 2004 when he became an associate dean of men.

“The most rewarding part of the job is glorifying the Lord,” Hyde said. “The fact that I get to do this for a living and God gets glory for it — you can’t beat that.”

Since taking office, Hyde has restructured what was once the Office of Community Life. Four offices now report to the dean of students: Community Life, CARE and Support, Academic Integrity and the Center for Student Thriving. Community Life handles disciplinary action for breaches of student conduct from a restorative point of view whenever possible. CARE and Support addresses concerns regarding the well-being of students. Academic Integrity ensures students uphold Christ-like values throughout their course work. The Center for Student Thriving supports students with many programs, such as Rooted in Resilience, aimed to help them navigate the challenges of college life.

Photo by: Jessie Jordan

The dean of students takes a holistic approach to student development, encouraging growth in all areas of their lives. Hyde and his team seek to cultivate a culture of biblical resiliency by supporting students in their education, wellness and spirituality.

“(The role of) the dean of students (is to connect) students to administration,” Hyde said. 

Hyde seeks to create as many opportunities for these connections as he can. For example, he has made himself available to students during office hours. From 1 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays, students can visit and connect with Hyde in a popup office on main campus, separate from his permanent location in Green Hall. 

The Dean of Students Office will continue to hold Town Hall meetings with SGA as they did the previous spring semester. During these town hall-style meetings, administrators make themselves available to answer any questions students may bring. President Dondi Costin and Chancellor Jonathan Falwell spoke at the first Town Hall of the year Aug. 28 at 7 p.m in the School of Business Towns Auditorium. 

Bear is the feature editor for the Liberty Champion. Follow her on X

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