Student opinion: Russia and China – The growth of a feared relationship

The recent meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping was a significant event in the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The meeting demonstrates the growing partnership between Russia and China.

The meeting between Putin and Xi, which occurred in Moscow, was their 40th meeting in the past 10 years. The two leaders discussed a range of topics, including their relationship and their dislike of Western influence and economics. According to The Washington Post, “The leaders signed two agreements, one affirming their partnership and one setting out plans for economic cooperation, which they discussed at a joint news conference.”The meeting was significant for a number of reasons. It showed the growing closeness of Russia and China and implied that the two countries will continue to work closely together. Over the past few years, the countries have become increasingly aligned on major issues, including their distaste of the United States, according to CNBC. 

They discussed how they view the U.S. as a security threat and promoted the idea of a world led by Eastern influence. It was also implied that Western influence is not effective in making changes. The meeting was also significant because it showed how economically entwined the two have become, as shown by the signing of the agreements. Trade has grown substantially between the two in the past few years. The countries have also been working on a number of collaborative projects, such as the development of a high-speed rail line between Moscow and Beijing, according to Supply Chain Digital. 

This rail line could have a major effect on the global supply chain. It would notably reduce the travel time between Moscow and Beijing. This would also make a show of solidifying the relationship between the two nations. 

Cartoon by Hannah Gilmer

The meeting also highlighted the growing geopolitical importance of the Russia-China relationship. Both countries have significant power, and their partnership is likely to have an impact on the world order. According to CBS News, Russia and China have been working together to counter Western influence.

The U.S. should continue to concern itself regarding the relationship between Russia and China. The U.S. has been increasingly critical of both Russia and China in recent years, and the growing partnership between the two countries is likely to only increase tensions. There has been speculation that this could lead to a war against Russia and China.

Russia and China are not to be trusted, and a war with them could be devastating. President Biden has not been much help so far in building or repairing relations with either country. Political conflict over the past few years between the U.S. and the Eastern duo has been caused by events like the China spy balloon, COVID-19 controversy and the Ukraine war.

Neither country is one the U.S. wants as a friend or enemy. They are powerful nations, and this unfortunate agreement creates additional fears for the West as the two nations become closer. If tensions cannot settle, it would not be a shock if World War III began in a few years. 

The 40 meetings between Putin and Xi over the years have a significant place in U.S. foreign policy. Each meeting highlights the growing closeness between the two countries and their increasing economic and geopolitical importance in the world order. Unfortunately, the two countries are likely to continue to work closely together in the future, and their partnership will likely impact the global superpowers in the years to come.

Carter is an opinion writer for the Liberty Champion

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