Remembering Liberty alumnus Curtis Walton

Three years after the cold-blooded murder of Liberty Law alumnus Curtis Walton, April 8 has been declared throughout Virginia as Curtis Walton Love Through Kindness Day.  

Walton volunteered for many organizations like Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army. He also worked in Iraq and throughout the U.S. before attending Liberty to earn his Juris Doctor. After graduating in 2012, Walton was accepted to the Virginia State Supreme Court and lower courts, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern and Western District of Virginia.

Walton was known as a compassionate and kind person, and the concept of someone taking his life seemed impossible, but on April 8, 2020, that is exactly what happened. 

While walking down the street near his childhood home in Portsmouth, Virginia, Walton was approached by two men and shot. Medics arrived to take him to the hospital, but Walton, 33, passed away. 

Walton’s case remains unsolved, although a person of interest was listed in January 2023. Though justice has not been obtained for Walton and his family, good is still being done in his name. 

Curtis Walton Empowers is a non-profit organization set up in Walton’s memory to empower others to achieve their dreams. The first project provided a water tank to a family in Uganda.  

Curtis Walton Love Through Kindness Day was proclaimed in Walton’s honor by Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares at a memorial service for Walton held by the School of Law earlier this year.

Edie Swann, director of Public Affairs at Liberty’s School of Law, discussed the sad nature and positive purpose of the School of Law’s memorial.

“That was a sad day, but I’m glad we had a memorial service for him,” Swann said. “I think it was very appropriate for the School of Law to set aside time to honor an alumnus in that way.”

In recognizing the day, there will be a prayer service held Friday, April 7, at 8:30 a.m. in the School of Law. Everyone is welcome, and the Walton family is set to attend virtually. This time is set aside to pray for justice over this case and peace for his family. 

Senior Angel Moulson thinks that Walton’s impact and the concept of showing love and kindness should never be forgotten. 

“I think that this day is a great reminder of the love and kindness that we should be showing all the time,” Moulson said. 

To contact the Curtis Walton Empowers organization, email or mail P.O. Box 50102, Portsmouth, VA 23702. If you or someone you know has any additional information on this investigation, please call 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.

Williams is a news reporter for the Liberty Champion

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