Vietnam veteran Tim Lee shares story of faith at Veterans Day event

March 8, 1971, was a typical day for many Americans, but for Tim Lee, this day marked a significant change in the rest of his life. While serving in the United States Marine Corps in South Vietnam, Lee stepped on a 60-pound mine, losing both of his legs in service to America.

Speaking from a small, patriotically-decorated stage on Nov. 11 at Valor Farm in Altavista, Virginia, Lee shared this story with a community who had gathered to show support for veterans like him. He spoke of hardship, respect for fellow veterans and, above all other things, faith.

An event dedicated to showing love and appreciation to veterans through community support, Valor Farm hosted the ceremony to honor those who have fought and are currently fighting for our country. The organization chose  Lee to speak on behalf of all veterans. 

“Tim Lee is a great evangelist, and his story is very powerful. Gen. Dees was actually a part of the faculty at Liberty for a while, and having Tim Lee come in was just a natural fit with the relationship we have with Liberty University,” Diana Rider, office manager at Valor Farm, said. 

Tim Lee, Vietnam War veteran, evangelist and chairman of Liberty University’s Board of Trustees among other things, detailed how March 8 changed his life while discussing his strong journey with Christ along
the way.

“God had a plan for my life,” Lee said. “I wanted to do something with my life. God let me live for a reason – for a purpose. Knowing Jesus Christ is the most important thing that can happen in your life.” 

He detailed the many hardships that veterans must face, emphasizing the importance of honoring our veterans not only on Veterans Day, but every day. 

“(Veterans Day is) one of the most important holidays that we have. A lot of people don’t know or understand the prices and sacrifices that have been made,” Lee said. 

His speech was a testament to his faith, and he concluded his time on stage with a prayer, encouraging the audience to come to Christ. 

The event took place at Valor Farm, an organization that provides housing and rehabilitation to veterans in need of help. 

“The main goal for (Valor Farm) is to return healthy veterans to America. A great number of veterans in America are stuck in life in some way, shape or form. Our goal is to take those veterans through spiritual, emotional, physical and mental rehabilitation to get them back into society to live fulfilling lives,” Rider said. 

According to Rider, the goal of the event was to show veterans within the community that the community cares about and supports them. It was a time to honor those who have fought in both the past and in the present for America. 

Steve Bozeman, a former marine and Vietnam War veteran, attended the event and spoke positively about the significance of Valor Farm.

“Valor Farm is trying to make a difference to the veterans who have lost purpose in their lives. People who don’t have family (and) friends who support them anymore, they feel like there’s no hope. They meet with everyone here, and the next thing you know, they’re able to share their stories and get involved,” Bozeman said. 

“I’ve been involved (with Valor Farm) for three years now, and I see the difference firsthand, and I know it’s important,”
Bozeman said. 

For more information on Valor Farm, its mission and upcoming events, visit here.

 To learn more about Tim Lee and his ministry, visit here.

Hess is the asst. news editor for the Liberty Champion

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