Mock Trial Team A Places Second at Invitational Tournament

Liberty University’s mock trial team placed second overall at the Demon Deacon Invitational hosted at the Wake Forest School of Law. 

The team’s A-team finished second overall and two team members received all-tournament team awards. 

According to Pre-Law Program Director Dr. Ben Rathsam, each team performs four trials in a tournament, with two on Saturday and two on Sunday. One trial each day is a prosecution case and the other trial is a defense case. Each trial lasts about three hours.

“The way students prepare depends upon their role,” Rathsam said. “All students are required to read the problem and assist with preparing the case. The students prepare a case for Prosecution and Defense. They write direct and cross examinations of different witnesses, which is how you present evidence; prepare opening and closing statements, and learn the rules of evidence to argue objections.” 

According to Rathsam, preparation is extremely important when it comes to the mock trials. Member of the team Dalton Davis knows the importance of it firsthand as he readies for each trial. 

“I have learned that there is no substitute for preparation,” Davis said. “As the team builds our case each year, we must meticulously practice and practice and practice so that we can achieve our team goals. And once we have put in the work, we have seen the fruit of our practice each season at tournaments.” 

The mock trial team spends time together outside of tournaments and enjoys making memories beyond what they do in the courtrooms.  

“My favorite part of being on the mock trial team is the relationships that I have built with my teammates,” Davis said. “Each season we spend countless hours working to build our case before tournaments. But in the process, my teammates and I become friends. So many times, when the team would travel for in-person tournaments before the pandemic, we would stay up late laughing and celebrating. … And even when we’re back in Lynchburg, we’ll regularly gather outside of practice just to spend time together.”

According to Rathsam, the next goal is for the mock trial team to advance to the nationals. 

“They [the team] will continue to prepare for regional tournaments that will take place in February,” Rathsam said. “The goal is to advance to nationals for the first time, but the first step in that process is to win our regional tournaments in February.” 

According to Davis, Rathsam plays a role in the success of the team and the individual growth of its members. 

“My coaches, like Dr. Benjamin Rathsam, have been invaluable not only to making my experience on the Liberty University mock trial team incredibly fulfilling, but have also ensured that the team remains successful,” Davis said. “During my time on the team, I have seen the program grow and reach new levels of achievement because of the investments that our coaches and the Helms School of Government have made. Ultimately, the program’s leadership is dedicated to ensuring that the team trains champions for Christ who will impact the legal community.” 

Hazard is a news reporter.

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