Student Club Remembers 9/11 Through Flag Display

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2021, the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Liberty students will wake up to 2,977 flags covering the academic lawn. This memorial, called the Never Forget Project, was created by Young Americans for Freedom to remember all the innocent lives that were lost on that fateful day.

According to the president of Liberty’s chapter of YAF, Mackenzie Vandixhorn, members of the club will meet on the academic lawn the night of Sept. 10 to place the flags. She also added that club members are encouraged to bring their friends and welcome everyone to participate. 

“As someone who was not alive for 9/11, I think it is really important to remember what happened that day,” Vandixhorn said. “I want to remember those who lost their lives and not take our freedom for granted. I think this memorial serves its purpose well; it helps us to never forget.” 

The Young Americans for Freedom, which exists to promote a variety of causes and ideals including patriotism, conservative values, free enterprise and individual liberty, began the Never Forget Project nationwide in 2003, two years after the attacks happened. They have sponsored this memorial every year since on college campuses and at national landmarks across the country. 

According to Vandixhorn, the club has received positive feedback from this memorial in the past. 

“Students are grateful that we step up to remember those who were lost,” Vandixhorn said. “When students see what we are doing, they want to find out how they can help and get involved.”

Vandixhorn recalled having a great turn out for this event in the past. She said the club is expecting even more students to participate than last year, because the club experienced a significant increase in membership this fall. 

In addition to the Never Forget Project, YAF will host a variety of other events this semester. They plan to do Freedom Week in November to commemorate the falling of the Berlin Wall, a birthday celebration for former President Ronald Reagan and a Pro-Life Action Initiative in addition to bringing speakers to campus. 

For students who want to get involved with YAF at Liberty, Vandixhorn suggests following their club on Instagram @lu_yaf to find out about events and contribute to the group’s projects on campus. 

Moro is a news reporter. Follow him on Twitter at @allenrmoro.

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