On To My New Dream…

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” said Eleanor Roosevelt.  

I’ve always been a dreamer, someone whose imagination is always running wild. 

Dreams are such a beautiful part of life. They give us our goals to work toward, they give us hope and they inspire us to go out of our comfort zone and chase after our God-given purpose.

When I was in high school, I dreamed of going to a Christian college. God opened the door for me to attend Liberty in fall 2017, and it has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.

While at Liberty, I dreamed of finding God’s calling on my life and found it through journalism. Through this major, God has given me the ability to connect with and reach people through my writing. He has allowed me to use my words to reach others, and that is something I never want to take for granted.

I have been blessed by Liberty as it has fulfilled so many dreams that I have had in my heart since I was a little girl. It has even fulfilled dreams I never knew that I had. 

Through my time at Liberty, God has shown me the beauty of chasing after your dreams, while Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. inspired me to achieve my “big, hairy, audacious goals”. 

Never stop dreaming. Never stop chasing after God’s calling and never limit yourself. Reach for the stars and believe in God’s beautiful plan. 

It is such a joy to know that our God is a great Author who has our life’s story written on the palms of His hands. He knows our dreams, our hopes and our desires. He cares for every single one of us.

That dream that is in your heart – He has put it there for a reason. Run after it, hold onto it and know that He has a wonderful plan for you.

As I close this beautiful chapter at Liberty – a wonderful dream come true – I am so thankful for the dream that was put in Jerry Falwell, Sr.’s heart when he started Liberty University in 1971.

If nothing else, Dr. Falwell is proof that God can work mightily through the dreams of those who love Him.

As I leave Liberty holding my diploma proudly, I am on to my new dream. 

A dream to continue holding fast to the promises of God and pursuing what I love every single day. 

A dream to keep using my words for His glory. A dream to one day marry. A dream to be a mom someday. And all the beautiful dreams that will come in between.

And as I dream of the future I will strive to also hold tight to the present, soaking in every moment with the ones I love and remembering that every single day is a dream I get to wake up to because I am running toward my Lord and Savior and the beautiful plan that He has for me and the ones I love. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” 

Bailey Duran is the graduating Opinion Editor. Follow her on Twitter at @duran_bailey.

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