Lessons From “The Lord of The Rings:” Samwise And Friendship

This article is the continuation of the 20th Anniversary celebration of the film, “The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.”

Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” continues the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy and focuses heavily on Frodo and Samwise, who split from the rest of the fellowship and are venturing towards Mordor to destroy the Ring by themselves. 

We soon find that Frodo, the ringbearer, would not have made it far without his faithful friend.

When the fellowship breaks, Sam refuses to abandon Frodo, even when he tries to venture to Mordor alone. Gandalf made Samwise promise to not lose Frodo, to which the hobbit confidently declared, “I don’t mean to.”

Shortly into their adventure, the pair find themselves just outside the borders of Mordor in an impassable wasteland of jagged rocks and dreary skies.

But soon, they realize they are being followed by a mysterious creature. Gollum had picked up their scent and is earnestly seeking the Ring for himself. Had Frodo traveled solo, Gollum would have easily overpowered him. But thanks to Samwise’s assistance, the hobbits fight off their enemy and convince Gollum to be their guide into Sauron’s land.

Adding Gollum to their company as a travel guide creates a tense dynamic between the two hobbits. Frodo pities Gollum because he begins to feel the Ring enslaving his own mind, just as it has done to Gollum for many years. But Samwise never fully trusts Gollum because he suspects deep down that all their new friend wants is the Ring – which ultimately proves to be the case in the climax of the trilogy.

Nevertheless, Samwise surrenders to Frodo’s desire to bring Gollum along, now with the extra task of ensuring Gollum does not attack Frodo. As the trio draws closer to Mordor, the Ring begins to cloud Frodo’s judgment, and he begins to doubt Samwise’s loyalty. 

If you were in Samwise’s shoes, I would not blame you for one second if you decided to leave Frodo. If you sacrificed everything you loved and put your life on the line to help a friend who took you for granted, it would only make sense that you should leave them.

Being taken for granted is painful to experience. I get sick to my stomach when this happens because being taken for granted means someone only values me for what I can offer them, which makes a mockery of sacrificial love.

But Samwise does not for one second consider leaving for his own safety simply because things become difficult between him and Frodo. His master’s selfishness, multiple setbacks and powerful enemies cannot not quench the fire in his soul to protect Frodo as he continues the journey. Through a sheer force of will, Samwise swallows the pain, sets his face like flint and continues to support Frodo.

Samwise’s loyalty flies in the face of what society says it means to be a true friend. Many people have developed an idea of friendship that only lasts if it is convenient, rewarding or fulfilling for themselves. 

Furthermore, friends come and go with each new chapter of life, and while it is natural, the constant change of treasured friendships can leave a chasm in our hearts as we look for an earthly companion that will transcend change and be with us through thick and thin.

Thankfully as Christians, we have that friend in Jesus. In Romans 5:8 we learn, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Much like Frodo, we are not humbled by or grateful for the love that is unconditionally shown to us by our savior. Jesus’ love is perfect, and it is only through his sacrifice that we have any hope for eternal salvation. 

Our selfishness in the face of His selflessness only makes Christ’s love more irresistible. 

In the same way, Samwise’s steadfast love for Frodo is the only way that they could have finished the quest. Without Samwise at his side, despair, loneliness and wickedness would have overcome Frodo long before he reached Mount Doom to destroy the Ring. As Christians, we get a glimpse of the amazing love that Jesus shows us through Samwise and his loyalty.

John Simmons is the Web Manager. Follow him on Twitter at @JohnSimmonsJr7.

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