Campus Recreation To Host Skiing Trip At Wintergreen Resort

As the start of spring semester is underway at Liberty University, Campus Recreation is preparing for an upcoming ski trip to Wintergreen Resort, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

According to Outdoor Adventures Manager Katy Ward, Campus Recreation hosts at least four trips to Wintergreen per year, offering an affordable skiing option for students. 

Day trips to the resort cost students between $35 to $50, including transportation, lunch and snacks. Students can rent skis or snowboards from Snowflex for an additional $5.

“Once we get there everyone unloads their stuff, we hand them their ski pass, and we just kind of let them go,” Ward said. “It’s kind of a free-for-all. They just get to hit the slopes and do whatever they want.”

In previous years Campus Recreation welcomed up to 40 students per ski trip, but due to COVID-19 restrictions only 16 students are currently allowed per trip. 

“These trips fill up really, really fast,” Ward said. “Usually within 24 hours of us posting the link, it’s full. Sometimes we get repeats, but a lot of the time we get new faces that we’ve never seen.”

All of the spring semester trips are currently full, but students interested in attending one of these events are encouraged to sign up for the waitlist on Liberty University’s Outdoor Adventures website.

Students who have attended these ski trips in the past speak highly of the experience, adding that they would love to go back if the opportunity presented itself. 

“I had an amazing time,” Jordan Dennett, a senior biomedical science major said. “I happened to go on some perfect winter days with newly laid snow. The affordability of the trips through LU and the snacks and lunches offered made it a great experience.”

Gabe Carrion, a senior from Honduras, said he has taken three trips with Liberty University’s Outdoor Adventure program and would undoubtedly go again if the opportunity presented itself.

“I went with Liberty’s Campus Recreation program each time and could not have had a better, more positive experience,” Carrion said. “They make it super affordable, fun, easy, and even provide snacks.”

In addition to the Wintergreen ski trips, Campus Recreation also offers a wide variety of Outdoor Adventure trips such as Liberty Mountain bike rides, winter caving, horseback riding, and  kayaking.

“In this time of COVID, a good trip outside — especially skiing in the mountains — you can’t get better than that,” Ward said. “Just getting outside and trying to refresh a little bit before you’re bogged down with classes and the stress of life can be a huge help.”

For more information, visit

Addi Tarr is a News Reporter. Follow her on Twitter at @addi_tarr.

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