Analysis: What to Anticipate if There’s a Transition of Power

As of Nov. 2, more than 94 million votes have been cast, according to CNN. Both candidates have spoken out regarding how they would handle defeat on election day. 

Democratic candidate Joe Biden told NBC News that he will work to bring people together. “You will not hear me race-baiting, you will not hear me dividing,” Biden said. “You will hear me trying to unify.”

Biden has said he will encourage his supporters to refrain from civil unrest if he loses. If Biden wins, there will be a season of lame duck for Trump. This is the time between the current politician holding power and the winner of the election taking office. 

According to ABC, Biden’s team will begin the transition immediately should he win. They will begin the process of obtaining security clearance and people will begin vying for positions in Biden’s administration.

ABC expects Trump to maximize federal funding for his properties while in the lame duck session and fight the transition process.

If President Trump does not agree to leave office peacefully, it will be the first time in U.S. history, BBC reports. They also state that Biden has previously said the military will be used to remove President Trump if necessary. In the 2016 election, President Trump refused to promise that he would accept the election results against Hillary Clinton as well. 

If Joe Biden is elected as President, many changes will be made once he is seated at the Oval Office.

The first act of business, according to The Guardian, will be the handling of COVID-19. He has voiced disagreements and issues with how President Trump had dealt with the virus. According to Biden’s official campaign page, he and Kamala Harris have a seven-point plan for handling COVID-19. They plan to double the number of drive-through testing areas, work with scientists to put out more at-home and instant tests, improve personal protection equipment, create relief packages for schools and businesses, rebuild a relationship with the World Health Organization and create a nationwide mask mandate.

Biden’s campaign website states that he will keep and protect Obama Care. He plans to build upon the Affordable Care Act.

According to Defense One News, Biden will work to protect human rights, fight corruption and “authoritarian regimes.” Biden will also work to keep Roe v. Wade in place, allowing federal funding to organizations like Planned Parenthood.

According to AP News, If Trump wins, he predicts that the economy will recover greatly in 2021 and that there will soon be a COVID-19 vaccine. AP also reports that soon after the election there will be a case heard by the Supreme Court on Obamacare, something Trump has been wanting to repeal.     According to President Trump’s website, under his administration, he has improved access to quality healthcare. He also extended the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to help fund healthcare for nine million people. 

Brittany Slaughter is the Asst. News Editor. Follow her on Twitter at @BSlaughterReal.

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