Intramural Sports Going Above and Beyond to Provide Positive Experience for Students

Liberty University’s intramural sports program offers students the ability to play competitive sports in the midst of a busy college schedule. But with COVID-19 transforming every area of college life, protocols have changed in many areas – including intramurals. 

Employees who facilitate Liberty’s 23 intramural sports and five e-sports events are screened daily and must wear masks at all times, unless they are a referee and their job requires them to run. The department is following the Phase 3 COVID-19 guidelines set by Gov. Ralph Northam.

Despite the detailed guidelines, Director of Intramural Sports Ed Barnhouse said that his employees have a positive mentality about their work and making the fall season possible.

“Everyone is excited to get back to work,” Barnhouse said. “The spring semester obviously ended abruptly and starting back up brings back a sense of normal.”

While the staff will do its best to replicate a normal sports experience, there will be some significant changes. Athletes will answer a series of questions, recording any potential COVID-19 symptoms. They will wear a mask while playing or checking in and entering and exiting through assigned entrances. Additionally, spectators are prohibited from attending games.

Intramural Sports Coordinator Danielle Ledgerwood said that the athletes’ willingness to follow these guidelines will make or break the fall season.

“It is going to take cooperation and compliance from all our participants in order to make this season successful,” Ledgerwood said. “We want to provide this opportunity to students, and we hope we can have a full, fun season.”

Ed Barnhouse is the Director of Intramural Sports

Barnhouse believes that the students’ desire to play intramural sports will motivate them to follow the guidelines set by his department.

“There is a large amount of people going above and beyond their normal duties to try to make these seasons happen,” Barnhouse said. “I think the students understand.  None of us want this semester to end like this past spring, so we all need to do our part to make it a successful semester.”

Barnhouse also said that his employees understand the importance of allowing students a positive athletic experience in a time where COVID-19 has altered or cancelled so many things. They are determined to carry out their mission to provide students “opportunities for health and exercise, social interaction, stress reduction, sportsmanship, and teamwork,” Barnhouse said.

“I’ve communicated to (my staff) that we can play a very important role in the success of the student body,” Barnhouse said. “Students need an outlet from the day-to-day stresses of college. We get to be part of that.  We get to set a good example to the other participants. The vision is to start and finish well.”

Registration for the fall 2020 season is still open. Students still interested in forming a team or participating in one of several mini tournaments can register at

John Simmons is the Web Manager. Follow him on Twitter at @JohnSimmonsJr7.

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