How a Lady Flames lacrosse senior uses her voice and game to lead her team

Grace Fletcher knows that in the emotional highs and lows of a lacrosse season, sometimes dancing is the best way to ease the tension.

“You’ll catch her at least a few times at practice in the awkward gaps, she’s over there with her hands in the air, jumping up and down, dancing, just having a good time,” Head Coach Kelly Nangle said. “It really takes the pressure off of everybody.” 

Throughout her career as a Lady Flame, Fletcher has been an integral part of the women’s lacrosse roster. She has played in every game for the Lady Flames since she joined the team as a freshman and has scored 45 goals in her college career. However, what makes Fletcher special is not just her statistics, but also her humble and
selfless attitude.

“I definitely want to be getting better every day,” Fletcher stated. “I don’t typically evaluate myself on stats. I guess being what coaches ask me to be and where they need me – whatever that looks like – that’s what I’m going to be.”

Fletcher is much more concerned with the welfare of the entire team and serving her teammates than her individual success. Nangle spoke about the selflessness that makes Fletcher such a fantastic leader.

“She’s kind of quiet, but she’s constantly leading by example and she will take the time to pull people aside and to encourage them,” Nangle noted. “I think something that Grace does consistently is she always has a great attitude. She brings joy and fun into everything we are doing. She’s so selfless in that way.” 

K.J. Jugar | Liberty Photography
HOME — Fletcher calls Springfield,
Virginia, home when she’s not at Liberty.

Nangle’s statement echoed Fletcher’s game plan for how to make this season a success. 

“I think to make this season great is just to enjoy every single moment,” Fletcher said. “Because being a senior, I’m not going to have another time like this in my life again. So (I’m) forgetting stats and grades and just being very present and thankful every day for what God has given me.”

Fletcher said she will greatly miss her time with the team when she graduates in May. 

“I will definitely miss having 34 other girls around me to be encouraged by and to really just enjoy every day together and just getting to make memories, all of us together,” Fletcher said. 

Fletcher said one of her favorite memories with the team was when she was trying to raise money to go on a trip to Malaga, Spain, for a public health internship, and her teammates helped her raise the money.

“Before I left, my teammates knew that I had to raise money to go and they were so supportive.” Fletcher recalled. “They put on their Instagram ‘Help Grace go to Spain,’ and we did a bake sale and a few of my teammates came over and we all baked.” 

Nangle plans to utilize Fletcher as a player and leader in her final season.

“I’m excited to see her continue to find her voice and learn to lead with her words,” Nangle replied. “She’s such an actions person and she’s kind of quiet. … I’m excited to watch her lead this group to places it’s never been before.” 

Shields is a sports reporter.

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