Opinion: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shirking royal duties disrespects British citizens

Millions around the world witnessed the magic of the royal wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018. An American girl becoming a real-life princess seemed to be nothing short of a Disney fairytale, complete with a carriage and royal treatment for a royal family.

The estimated $45.8 million taxpayer-funded event cost 1,000 times more than the average wedding, according to Business Insider. Less than two years into their marriage, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced on Instagram Jan. 8 their decision to “step back” as senior members of the royal family. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will no longer use their HRH titles (His and Her Royal Highness) and are no longer “working members of the Royal Family,” Buckingham Palace announced. Yet Harry remains a prince and sixth in line to the British throne, according to USA Today. 

Megxit, as the royal exit has been dubbed, sparked voices on both sides of the couple’s progressive decision. Some praise the step to take a bold, brave break from tradition, ushering a new era for the future of the royal family. Others, however, see the decision as disrespectful to the Queen, the royal family and the United Kingdom, as a whole. 

NBC News columnist Brian Moylan said the decision to step back from their royal duties shows that Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, want to have their cake and eat it too. 

Prince Harry had no say in being royal-born, but Markle made a choice to marry into the royal family, which came with great honor and great responsibility. Choosing to neglect the task she agreed to in marrying a prince neglects the commitment she made to the monarchy. Marrying into a royal family establishes a duty to honor the institution and the people represented. 

The royals will never truly be able to escape from the intrinsic identity the crown has given them through birth or through marriage. The pursuit of freedom from the crown will never quite be realized. Normalcy for the royals will never be achieved, as hard as they try to distance themselves from the duties required of royals. 

As the royal couple and son pave their own way towards financial independence and split time between continents, they usher in a new era for the House of Windsor. Divorcing from tradition and breaking protocol disrupts a long line of loyalty to the crown. The 21st century is riddled with failed commitments and the modern-day response to hardship is often to abandon ship instead of following through. 

Being a royal would be exhausting. Living under constant scrutiny, tremendous pressure from the media, perpetual drama, comparison to other royals and a score of standards to abide by would weigh heavily on anyone. Stepping away from responsibilities, however, is not the answer to hardship and duty. 

The royal family takes this decision in stride, with Queen Elizabeth’s statement expressing pride and thanks towards the couple. During his first speech since the announcement, Prince Harry expressed “deep sadness” in their decision to step back and ensured they were not walking away completely, according to USA Today. 

Though Prince Harry, Meghan and Archie embark on a journey of their own, their identity as members of the House of Windsor will forever remain.

Wood is the editor-in-chief. Follow her on Twitter.

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