After Curfew returns for season three

 “Make ‘em laugh, make ‘em laugh, Don’t you know ev’ry one wants to laugh?”

This line from the classic movie “Singing in the Rain” is a philosophy that Liberty University junior Jacob Harding takes very seriously. Harding, who is studying cinematic arts, is heading up the ambitious effort to continue and expand the popular Liberty late-night show, “After Curfew,” a production similar to Saturday Night Live. 

Season three of the student-produced show will open by the end of February with its live premiere. However, the show has not been in production for nearly a year. Season two concluded in the spring of 2018 after only three episodes. 

When season one premiered in 2016, the idea quickly caught on with the student body and led to larger than anticipated audiences for the live shows. However, in the following few months, a lack of official marketing, decreased audiences and impending graduation for many of the leaders made season two spell a temporary end to the show. 

 But now, Harding is putting together a new team to try and revive “After Curfew” and make it a Liberty staple, much like Coffeehouse and Christmas Convocation. 

Harding wants this next season of the show to be a bit different than in past years. He and his production team of about 30 students are attempting to combine the successful moments of the previous two seasons with fresh ideas to maintain and grow a wider audience. 

“What we are hoping to do with this new season is … keep the formula similar but also kind of heighten the late-night part of the show because it is kind of like a late-night/skit show hybrid,” Harding said. 

The plan for season three is to capture snapshots of Liberty’s student-life and more in 30-minute episodes full of laughs and light-hearted fun. A major goal for the season is to include more guest stars on the show, such as Liberty faculty and student leaders, and hopefully incorporate members of the local Lynchburg community as well. 

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TEAMWORK — The 30-student staff has been trying to pay tribute to previous seasons while showcasing their creativity.

Harding hopes more students will come to see and support the show this season, given the greater variety that the show will have. 

“They can at least expect to come see some of their favorite bands, and they will probably laugh along the way too,” Harding said.

Looking towards the future, Harding hopes “After Curfew” will spread beyond the bounds of Liberty’s campus and into the Lynchburg community. 

But for now, he is focused on producing the best season the show has ever had while getting to highlight the talents of more students in the process.

Harding encourages students to get involved in “After Curfew” to gain real world experience, no matter “if you love film, photography, graphic design, editing, anything.” 

Students interested in joining “After Curfew” and earning CSER credit can message the group through their social media pages. 

To stay up to date with “After Curfew” performances, videos, and more, check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as @luaftercurfew.

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