Freshman U.S. Congressman Denver Riggleman donates first Congressional paycheck

 Freshman U.S. Congressman Denver Riggleman opted to donate his first Congressional paycheck to the Drakes Branch Volunteer Fire Department in Charlotte County, Virginia, instead of receiving pay during the 35-day government shutdown. 

When Riggleman visited Drakes Branch Volunteer Fire Department after Hurricane Michael hit in October, he saw the devastation the flooding caused and knew he had to help. What stood out most to Riggleman was all the fire department did to help the community, despite what they went through during the flooding.

“I was so touched by the charity in (the) Drakes Branch,” Riggleman said. “Once the shutdown happened, my first thought was to donate to (the) Drakes Branch, based on what they’re going through.”

Riggleman said that as a former U.S. Air Force officer and National Security Agency contractor, he values public service. Giving back to his community and his constituents during their time of need seemed to be the ideal way to spend his first check as a U.S. Congressman representing Virginia’s 5th District. 

“It’s a drop in the bucket for what they need. My hope was that other people would follow suit and donate, not just to (the) Drakes Branch, but to all the fire departments, all the law enforcement, all the EMS personnel that were affected in the 5th District,” Riggleman said. “I was hoping that would start an avalanche of donations to the fire and rescue workers in the district.”

Fire Chief Kenny Tharpe of the Drakes Branch Volunteer Fire Department plans to put the donation towards the building fund, since half of the building was condemned from flooding after Hurricane Michael. Although insurance covered a portion of the costs, the building is still in need of much repair, leaving the volunteer fire department scrambling for support and donations. 

 “When he got to Congress, he saw a way that he could help them by donating his paycheck,” a spokesman from the representative’s office said. 

Riggleman was one of the few legislators who did not accept compensation in the wake of the government shutdown. 

The newly elected congressman for Virginia’s 5th District began his term in the United States House of Representatives Jan. 3. As a freshman congressman who is new to the federal government, taking office in the middle of the longest government shutdown in history was eye-opening, Riggleman explained. 

Erik Flores | Liberty News Service
CHARITABLE — Riggleman spoke at Convo Select ahead of the Nov. 2018 election.

Riggleman stands with President Donald Trump in his decision not to back down about securing the southern border. Riggleman said a physical border is important, but the southern border also needs more advanced electronics and better-equipped personnel. Riggleman knows firsthand the dangers of an insecure border from the time he spent there in 2010 with Air Force units and his experience in counter narcotics and counter terrorism. 

“It is absolutely necessary that we secure the border comprehensively,” Riggleman said. “It’s vitally important we do this, because every life we save here is very important to me.” 

Congressman Riggleman hopes to improve health care, immigration and tax reform, but his heart beats for the 5th District of Virginia. 

“The most important thing I can do right now is case work, taking care of the constituents,” Riggleman said. “I want the district to know that it’s about transparency and integrity. I want them to know that they can talk to me at any point. I want to do what’s best for the 5th District based on our shared values.” 

As the representative for much of central Virginia, and a portion of Lynchburg, Riggleman is no stranger to Liberty Un i versit y. Rig g leman spoke at Convocation last semester as a candidate, and many Liberty students helped with his c a m p a i g n . A spokesman from Riggleman’s office said the congressman appreciates Liberty’s support of his conservative ideas. 

“I have a special place in my heart for Liberty,” Riggleman said. “The students were so helpful, but it’s really their faith in something bigger than themselves that I was drawn to. I just find it very refreshing that that’s the future of our country. … It gives me hope.” 

For more information about Congressman Denver Riggleman, visit Those who are interested in supporting the Drakes Branch Volunteer Fire Department can visit its Facebook page. 


  • Thanks so much for caring and helping Drakes Branch. All our first responders and volunteers in Charlotte County are great. I ve asked Noah to help me plan an event in late Spring to focus on all these groups. Hope to have it at the ballpark in Charlotte Ct Hse. Hope you Wil be free to join us.

  • Another great posting.

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