Opinion: Two Champion writers explain the policy platforms of both candidates (Part 2)

Leslie Cockburn

The relationship between politicians and journalists can often be confrontational, tense or even hostile. By the very nature of their professions, they are prone to clash.

This tension is what makes Leslie Cockburn an intriguing candidate for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. As a distinguished journalist seeking her first public office, Cockburn brings a unique perspective to the
political world.

A graduate of Yale University, Cockburn has been a producer for “60 Minutes,” a correspondent with PBS, a war correspondent and a professor of journalism. The two-time Emmy winner has covered financial crisis, nuclear threats, jihad and drug cartels, according to her
campaign website.

Now, Cockburn hopes to display that same dedication to the truth in the
nation’s capital.

“The 5th District of Virginia needs someone in Congress with proven experience in holding Washington’s feet to the fire,” she wrote in her online campaign biography. “It needs someone with integrity, courage and grit.”

Americans are facing numerous challenges that they expect their representatives in Washington to address. 

A recent Gallup poll revealed what citizens believe are the most important problems facing the country today. Immigration and the economy both received 12 percent of the votes. Healthcare polled at 5 percent.

Cockburn has detailed solutions to address all these important problems.

Cockburn has repeatedly criticized President Donald Trump and Congress for allowing children to be separated from their parents at the border. But she also recognizes that our immigration system is broken. During a Sept. 7 debate, Cockburn said the priority should be reforming the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, ICE, rather than punish the families of immigrants, according to the Fauquier Times.

Issues concerning the economy are especially important to Virginia’s 5th District, a predominantly rural, farming community. President Trump has proposed a Farm Bill that will cut $250 billion for farming and $29 billion for crop insurance. Cockburn has pledged to fight this bill, according to
her website.

She has recognized the factors that have crippled the 5th District’s economy and knows what solutions will fix it. The minimum wage should be raised.

There must be more access to public transportation, like buses and train stops. Lastly, Virginia needs to work with companies like Microsoft to strengthen broadband in
rural communities.

Healthcare is also a vital issue for the 5th District. Many citizens are on Medicaid and the effects of the opioid crisis have been felt in the community. Cockburn believes that the proposed changes by Republicans to former President Barack Obama’s health care law will devastate families of the care that they need. Twenty-three million families would lose Medicaid, according to her campaign website. 

Cockburn will join other representatives in the “single payer” plan, which is Medicare for all. She will attack the opioid pushers and drug companies that have fostered a culture of increased opioid addiction, which has cost America $78.5 billion per year, according to her website.

Cockburn understands the issues that matter to citizens, and she has progressive plans to address them. Her work experience and dedication to the truth as a journalist will be a refreshing benefit to the atmosphere and political culture in Washington. A vote for Cockburn will be a vote for the progress that Virginia’s 5th district.

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