Social media silence

President Trump freezes accounts of national parks


PARKS — Badlands National Park employees de ed the president’s gag order. Photo Credit: Google Image

PARKS — Badlands National Park employees de ed the president’s gag order.
Photo Credit: Google Image

The Trump administration temporarily suspended social media, contracts and grants for the Environmental Protection Agency, the Interior Department, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services during his first week in office.

According to Reuters, each of these agency’s core responsibilities is to protect humans, animals and the environment.

As the Trump administration waits for its appointees to take charge of these agencies, it felt that it would be beneficial to put a halt on all actions taken by those who could potentially disagree with its policies.

Under the Obama administration, the EPA spent billions of dollars creating an enormous amount of regulations and policies with a one-sided view toward mitigating the effects of global warming and protecting federal
and local lands.

While the Trump administration has acknowledged concerns regarding climate change and protecting the environment, it believes it is in the country’s best interest to take a more balanced approach.

While most might find this halt of media and contracts as an intrusion of the rights of those who are in charge of these agencies, I see this temporary halt as a justified decision.

Each of these federal agencies fall under the authority of the executive branch.

They all work for the president.

Having these agencies make impactful decisions that do not coincide with Trump’s policies could potentially cause chaos and confusion
within the U.S.

While I do not believe that everyone has to agree with Trump’s policies, I do believe that those who are working under his authority ought to make decisions and posts that would reflect his position.

We cannot have agencies that the president is in charge of signing contracts and grants that the president does not agree with.

Mark 3:35 says, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

A government that contradicts itself is one that will fail.

This temporary halt as the Trump administration waits for its appointees to take charge is a smart decision that will protect the government from disorder.

Not to mention, the halt is only temporary.

Doug Ericksen, the communications director for Trump’s transition team, said this halt would be lifted by the end of January.

“We’re just trying to get a handle on everything and make sure that what goes out reflects the priorities of the new administration,” Ericksen said to Fox News.

As this new administration continues to adjust, I think it is important for the American people and those serving in governmental positions to
have patience.

As an administration that greatly differs from the previous Obama administration, it still has some adjusting to do, especially as it awaits the confirmation of its appointees.

Drogan is an opinion writer.

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