Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

Amidst the firestorm of opinions that we’ve seen flash and swirl these past couple of weeks regarding political stances and values, our Liberty community has experienced a lot of shifting and pulling as viewpoints clash.

Particularly speaking of the clash between the students of “Liberty United Against Trump” and our president, I believe there are some truths that we would all do well to remember as we live through the turmoil of this season.

First and foremost, I would like to praise each side for their action during the ramblings of a system marked by talk.

That said, all of us must remember who we are.

The eyes of our country are on us, and how we behave now may cause us to lose all we’ve worked to prove.

As our leader, President Falwell deserves our utmost respect.

The believing community is called to honor and pray for those in authority, for they are divinely placed.

We do not and will not agree with his every choice, but we can disagree with reverence.

And if we seem incapable of that, we must disagree in silence. Honor is mandated by heaven, and our opinions must fall in line.

I applaud Tyler McNally and his group for epitomizing the essence of higher education.

Their statement was well-written and reflects a thoughtful reaction to differing opinions.

What does not bode well is the attempt to sever the student body’s ties with its leader over politics.

In fact, Liberty is not united against Trump.

I believe that student rhetoric rather ought to be infused at its core with a desire for communal unity, while still embracing this movement’s opposing opinion.

Unity can and does appreciate differences.

For the rest of us who have watched these two parties engage, we feel a tug in our souls to somehow engage as well. My contention is that wisdom is needed.

Proverbs 19:8 says “Mockers stir up a city, but wise men turn away anger.”

Let us be wise. Let us be exactly what both Mr. McNally and President Falwell call us to be.

Let us be Champions for Christ.

Graduate Student Assistant Liberty University
College of General Studies

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